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A month passed, and the team's life was going smoothly. Except for Harley. Being pregnant was no joke for her. It was bad enough that she had morning sickness, but now as she hits her 14-week mark, she is starting to show, making it nearly impossible to fit into her clothes or mission suit. 

As of right now, the team sat on the couch chatting when Skylar came downstairs with a grin on her face. "I just got the best email ever."

"Yes!" Oliver exclaims, standing from the couch. "I know you'd like it. It took me two weeks to write that song."

Skylar furrows her eyebrows. "I didn't get an email from you."

Harley and Bree share a look and chuckle before Bree says, "That's because he accidentally sent it to me." Bree pulls out her phone to play the song Oliver made until Oliver reached over and turned the song off.

"Can you forward that to me?" Kaz questions.

Skylar goes back to her topic. "Anyway, my best friend, Scarlett from my home planet Caldera just emailed me. She's coming to visit." 

"Wait. Aliens have email?" Chase asks.

"Of course. I get so much spam from there. I mean, who really thinks a Calderan prince is just handing out a million dollars?"

"Can you forward that to me?" Harley questions, receiving a nudge from Chase. "It would be super helpful."

"I'm so excited to see Scarlett. It'll be great not being the only alien around here." Skylar says. 

Harley looks at the alien. "We have lived together for so long, I don't think of you as an alien anymore."

Skylar smiles at her. "Aw, really?"

"Yeah. To me, you're just a totally normal girl who does incredibly weird things." Bree remarks.

Skylar shrugs and Chase asks, "So, when does Scarlett get here?" Suddenly, a portal had opened and a girl appears, frightening Chase which causes him to let out a shriek. "Well, at least we don't have to pick her up from the airport."

Harley watched the two friends greet and hug each other in confusion. Scarlett and Skylar looked exactly alike. As if they were secretly twins. 

"I'm sorry, is this your best friend or your twin sister?" Chase asks.

"All females on Caldera look exactly alike," Kaz informs. 

"And it's glorious," Oliver says in awe. He walks over to Scarlett. "Hi. I'm Oliver. I'm sure Skylar's told you all about me." 

Scarlett shakes her head. "Nope. Never heard of you."

Harley chuckles as Oliver sits back on the couch in defeat.

"Don't worry. All you need to know about Oliver is right here in this song." Bree again plays Oliver's song to Skylar before Oliver attempts to rip the phone out of her hands. Kaz takes the phone and the two boys run around the house. 

"I feel like I already have children running around the house," Harley says to her husband, who laughs and kisses her temple.

Later that day, Bree and Harley were making lunch for the team and Scarlett.

"You know, I'm a superhero. Should I really be making my own lunch?" Kaz questions.

"Probably not. You also shouldn't have to take out the trash, but you're doing it." Bree tells him as he hands him a full trash bag.

"Actually, that's Oliver's job." He tosses the trash bag to Oliver who begins to smash it down, the trash bag now in a ball that fits his hand. 

"I am the Garbage Man!" 

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