I woke up. Today is the day that I am doing it. I got up and looked in the mirror. My beautiful orbs peaked back at me under my long eyelashes. I tied my hair back into a low bun and brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and put on my baddie outfit.
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I picked up my silver lighter, which I got from my father, before he was murdered last summer, and shoved it in my pocket. I stepped out of my bedroom and walked by my moms room. Of course, she was hung over and passed out. I picked up my beat up black jansport bag and slipped on my checked vans. Throwing down my skateboard, I started riding to the library.
At the library, I headed to the back and threw down my bag on the ground. Sitting down at the table, I picked up a book called 'The Narrative of John Smith'. About a minute or two of reading, a boy walked into the library and walked in and out of the aisles. At one point, he disappeared, and I stopped paying attention to him.
After another 10 minutes of reading, I felt a presence behind me. I decided not to look, until I heard a voice say "Hey I love that book!"
I flinched and turned around.
"W-who are you?" I stuttered out.
"Oh god! Sorry! I just saw you were reading it and I got interested... my names uh Dr Reid- uh- no- Spencer Reid- just call me Spencer...". He stammered, speaking very quickly.
"It's fine! You just spooked me thats all! Anyways, you said you love this book?"
We continued the conversation for a bit, until he got a call on his phone.
"Ah sorry, I have to go to work. Great talking to you though!" He did a quick wave and ran, before I got a chance to say goodbye.
Spencers POV
I've never been so extroved in my life. Especially someone as pretty as y/n. Why'd Morgan have to call me at this time. I headed out of the library back to Quantico to meet up with the team. Morgan told me that there was a suspected serial killer, and we needed a profile. This will be a fun night.