Chapter 2

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Time to see how good I can write deaf characters


In all his years of running, hiding, and helping other kids, Seven is proud to say he knows the whole lower levels like the back of his hand. He knew where the best hiding spots were, which areas were uninhibited, and when Six joined him, they are both able to go further out than before.

Six was... interesting company. She was short tempered and huffy, never afraid to share her opinion on something. It was nice to have someone who was different than him to hang out with. Sometimes she'd dissappear for short periods of time and come back with the scent of blood, but he never found the nerve to question it.

When the Nome lead them to the boy, Six made her opinion clear of him. She would glare and bared her teeth in what looked to be a soundless growl. It took a bit to persuade her, but he was finally able to get her to help him bring the boy back to The Town.

Well, it wasn't really a town town, but it was close to it. The Town was were most of the kids ended up, hidden deep in the heart of The Maw, just outside of the Nome's Hideout.

The Town was filled with kids, ranging from ages of three to sixteen, or the big siblings are some of the younger ones called them. There wasn't really an overarching leader of the place, but it was mostly the older kids that ran the place.

They brought the injured boy there in hopes of getting help from some of the few kids that knew a bit about medicine. A girl with dull ginger hair, who Seven nicknamed Nosebleed from her constant blood dripping nose, came over to them, pushing through the crowd that had formed around them as they cared him in.

She helped them get the boy to one of the private rooms, but quickly being ushered out, Seven watching as she seemed to be telling them to wait outside. She drew a blue curtain in front of them shortly, cutting his view from inside off.

Six shook her head in an irritated manner, her teeth bared once again as she glared at the curtain. Seven rested a hand on her shoulder, her side glaring him but stopping.

The boy in blue looked over, seeing the few curious kids still watching them to see what was happening. An older boy with shaggy brown hair stepped in front, breaking the crowd up before anything could happen.

Slowly the crowd broke up, going back to whatever they were doing before, though did look over at them time to time. His comrade glanced to the exit, and Seven knew why.

Six also hated huge crowds, she despised them. The times they would normally visit The Town, she'd get irritated much faster than usual, glaring at some of the kids as they passed by them on their way to somewhere.

Speaking of somewhere, Seven remembered he had to go get more parchment paper. Their past run used the past few scraps they had, so more would be needed before they headed out again. He gave a small groan, making the girl in yellow look back to him.

'Got to get paper,' he motioned, pretend scribbling in the air.

Six rolled her eyes, but nodded. The two left the curtained off room, walking along the less cold metal of The Town, the vibrations of other footsteps telling Seven just how busy today seemed to be.

There were maybe fifty kids max here, most of them he knew since his first attempt at helping other's leave. There was One and his sister, Zero, who helped make small shelters for new kids until they decided to stay or not. Two who was helping another girl named Three with making sure The Town ran smoothly since Three was one of the bigger kids.

Five and his brother, Scarf, were too young to really help out, but they did help keep everyone on their toes with shenanigans and pranks by the looks of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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