vii. world of sorcery

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She has always hated studying.

And now, being transported back to a distant world did not once make that hate subside.

Jangmi had to listen to Chaehwa for hours as she talked down to the deepest detail, but her lectures remained a sound of pain to the pianist's head. She was already bombarded with too much information, the time travel, the sorcery, the transmigration and the death. How does one even manage to register all of these?

In short, she can barely manage.

However, what Jangmi drew her attention finally was when Chaehwa's next lecture turned into something more intriguing; The three Kingdoms of this Empire.

In this magical expanse where reality and fantasy knew no bounds; three kingdoms stood majestically, divided by the borders of the wilderness.

And one of them is Saelum. It stands as a celestial haven and their lineage was inscribed among the stars, a Kingdom infused with the power of constellations.

The second on the list is Keahi. The Kingdom of Flames as they have rulers, generals, and mages who harness the primal energy of fire. Keahi, power is a tempest of flames, a realm where they keep the tradition of keeping their female royals with red veils.

Save the best for last, the world the pianist coincidentally stepped foot in was called Cerys. And she must say, it is the most powerful Kingdom that the other realms could never dare to slight.

For it holds the heirloom that was passed down by generations of rulers in Cerys-Cor Arcanum. The heart of all sorcery.

It stands as the cornerstone of all magic; this heirloom pulses with radiant energy that sustains magic throughout the three Kingdoms. Yet, guarded by the vigilant custodians of Cerys, the Cor Arcanum remains a beacon of both wonder and caution, something to approach with reverence and respect.

Cerys is not merely powerful; it is a realm beyond reckoning. The heirloom this Kingdom protects was the reason for the cultivation of powers and energy and without it, magic would never coexist with people in land.

This moment hereon marks the day of the start, the day where the pianist is bound to navigate these waters and figure out who she is, the unfamiliar Kingdom ahead of her and the person she has already become because of fate's twisted ways.

She doubts she can easily accept her destiny.

But the pianist knew that stressing over her stupid fate would not magically change to satisfy her.

So If she can't go back to the life that she used to live before, then she'll make sure she is going to live this one with no regrets.

And that includes the acceptance of the fact that she is also in another body, in another world, and in another identity.


Clothed with a lavish white robe and a thick fur coat to ease the shivers in my body, my steps echoed along the hallways, deciding that it would be an opportunity to stroll around the manor.

My eyes trailed around the beauty of the walls, mainly because of the portraits that were hung up the hallways. My supposed brother who was named Hongjoong turned out to be a charming young man as I have seen through the paintings. The late general and the late poison expert who were supposedly my 'parents' also adorned the walls of this household.

The paintings mingled noble walls of the Manor, the Kims surely never disappointed when it came to terms of architecture.

However, how they treated Jemma did disappoint.

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