- chapter 3 -

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I hummed along and soon enough fell asleep

I woke up to the car coming to a stop, we were outside a gas station. I stretched a bit and looked to see Toby outside my window about to knock. I assumed he wanted my wallet. I opened the window and passed it to him.

"no, go inside and get some snacks." he deadpanned.

I ran my fingers through my hair and started to get out of the car. I already knew what Toby wanted. I went inside and got some sour patch kids, and a coke can for him. I got myself just some crisps.

I was walking back to the car as I saw Toby getting in. I went to get into the passenger's seat but there was a blond in my spot. My smile grew as I went to the back doors.

"well, hello there bitch boy~." I cooed

He flipped my off playfully. I could see a small smile forming on his face.

"don't tell me the bitch is coming along.."

Toby let out a giggle.. Oh great.

I gave him a glare and threw him the sour patch kids. I decided to give Tommy the coke. I layed down flat across the seats. It was a bit uncomfy but I was alright. I wasn't tired so I decided music. Toby was drinking a monster and after every sip he would make a face and then put it back. I could tell he was sleepy and he didn't like the drink.

"Tobs, you know I could drive just let me know where." I said softly. Tommy must have saw what I was seeing and Tommy tried to convince Toby to do so.

Toby ended up agreeing and we were on our way to brighton. Toby pulled over into the grass thanking me as we swapped. Toby laid down in the back seat resting his head on his jumper. I started to connect my phone to the radio but the boy wanted to sleep. I decided to just connect to my headphones. I could see Tommy watching my movements, It was a comfy silence with soft snores coming from the back. I connected my phone to my airpods looking to see Tommy.

"want one ?" I whispered softly.

He nodded and I gave him one of the airpods. I played Toby's Chill Playlist #2 and started on the road. I saw Tommy bop his head to some songs and hummed ever so often. I would smile softly at him and continue to go to brighton. (( let's say that they were closer to Tommy so about 3 hours away from brighton. ))

Toby only drove for about an hour before just giving out. I had about 2 hours to go. I wasn't surprised when Tommy was just here. I could tell Toby was excited about something. I just brushed off the fact that we were going all this way. I assumed it's to see one of Toby's friends.

I hummed to 'Come True by khai dreams, Forest' I don't know why but when the part comes 'i'm in my head, i'm in my head' I oddly start to tear up. when I get into my head I overthink and it's a whole mess. I blinked the tears away so no one would see. well, tommy would be the only one but, yeah.

I just hummed the song as it came to a end. I could see Tommy's hair glisten, out of the corner of my eye as we passed the street lamps on the road. We were about an hour away from where Toby told me. I could still hear his soft snores. I looked to the gas to see it was half a tank, I needed to use the bathroom too. I looked for the closest stop and decided I would fill the tank and stack up snacks. I looked to the right to see Tommy struggling to stay awake.

I started to pull into the gas station, Tommy was still slightly awake. I saw him unbuckle his seatbelt.

"bathroom as well ?"

He nodded saying a small 'mhm'. I just nodded as we walked in. The man at the counter was incredible sleep deprived and looked as if he smoke crack- I saw him look me up and down. I started to feel uncomfy and clenched to Tommy's arm. He tensed up and saw I was uncomfy.

"c-can I please get the bathroom key" I managed choke out.

"anything for you, pretty lady." I cringed at his words as he handed me the key.

I guess Tommy's brain clicked because he started to loosen as he heard the words.

"come on babe we have a long drive" He mumbled out loud enough for the man to hear.

I looked up to him and smiled he grinned back, I mouthed a 'thank you' as we walked to the bathroom. Tommy and I weren't that close but I was glad he understood what was going on.

"wait for me to come out, I will take a little longer so I'm not sitting here alone, kay ?" I said looking to the sleepy blond. He nodded and walked to the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom fixing myself up a bit putting my hair into a messy bun with some lose strands. It look pretty cute. I splashed my face with some cool water as I heard the other bathroom door open and close. I assumed Tommy was done already, I got into the stall and did what I needed to do. I opened it and washed my hands and came out to see Tommy yawning and holding his hand out for me to grab, I grabbed it softly and walked over to the coolers and got a Monster.

"have you ever tried one ?" I asked out of the blue.

"no" He responded so dryly-

"well.. hmmm let's see this one is good you should try it." I said grabbing it. He smile to me and grabbed it with his free hand.

We walked to the counter hand in hand, Tommy insited on paying as we were walking there but I won the battle saying 'no, I would feel bad please let me pay..' We got to the counter and gave the drinks to the man.

"is that all for you pretty lady ?" I got closer to Tommy I hated these types of situations..

"that's all" Tommy spoke up.

I handed the man a bill and he handed us our drinks. He didn't bother to say much more. We walked out finally out of the situation. Our hands pulled away.

"thank you so much Tommy you don't even know.." I said looking up to him.

He smiled softly and nodded. He started to open the Monster, I opened mine as well. I took a sip and jumped into the driver's seat. (( Okay, so I don't know if I said ages fr but.. Tommy is 17 Y/n is 17 with her brother TWIN Toby. I don't know if i had said anything abt the time but it is summer break. ( haha :lip bite: june ) Yeah no, Its like June 12th and summer has started. ))

I got into the car and turned the music back on, I had it paused as we walked in. The airpods were in our pockets as we were in there. I played 'Heat Wave by Glass Animals'... as it is like 3:30 am. Tommy got it and started to giggle trying to be quiet. Toby still was asleep and we were about 40 minutes away from the destination. It looked to be a house address... I started to pull out of the gas station. Tommy and I hummed along to the music as the stars lite up the sky.



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