- chapter 6 -

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I let myself just do whatever.


I woke up in the shared room, Ranboo was still asleep. I reached for my phone to feel it not there. Maybe I left it on the couch..

I got up not bothering to change out of the hoodie and sweats I put on. I walk out and down the stairs to see Toby and Tommy giggling and..

"TOBY" I yell loud enough to wake the whole house.

"run." Toby said getting a headstart.

He still had my phone in hand.. He's dead. I started running after him. My small legs were fast- I caught up to be tripped before I could grab Toby. I fell down to the pavement, I knew it wasn't bad- I caught myself before I face planted. I could her a gasp and then some running towards me.

"Y/N YOU ALRIGHT ?" Tommy said coming up to me.

I pulled myself up and just glared at them, I snatched my phone and walked away.

"pricks" I mumbled as I walked back to the house.

My knee was bleeding and my hands were scrapped, it wasn't anything too bad. I got closer to the house walking in to see Niki in the kitchen.

"y/n are you okay.. what happened ?" She said in her sweet soft voice.

"oh I'm fine.. the boys were being pricks and snatched my phone." I said with a plan forming in my head.


I started to think of all the things I could do to make the boys mad... I went into their shared room and hide their clothes so they couldn't find them. I moved on to messing up the room minorly. I grabbed Toby's phone which he left.. big mistake. 

I messed around with his phone, posting some stuff on twitter.. a tweet being "wanboo my uwu discord kitty kat." Tagging Ranboo. I heard Ranboo groan from the shared room as I posted some other stuff. I heard someone coming to the room. I hid in the bathroom.. I still needed to clean up my scraps so I did that quietly.

"y/n.." I heard Tommy.

"hm ?" I said

"it was tubbo's idea let me in.." He said sounding sorry.

I opened the door to see Tommy, he walked in he sat on the floor while I was on the counter. I cleaned up my wound and made small talk with the blond. We laughed and jokes while we just say there.. it came time to clean the wound with some alcohol. 

"tommy can you do it.." I said handing him the wet cotton pad.

"alright but you kick me i will... kill you women." He said taking it from my hand.

He gently wiped the wound. It burned I gripped the counter as we did it. 

"anddd~ done !" he said throwing the cotton away.

I smiled at him and finished up.

I wondered where Toby was so, kinda just got up and left Tommy there. I was gonna go wonder to find my brother. I looked downstairs and no sign. I heard Ranboo talking in the room so I assumed they were there. yUp. I opened the door to see them scrolling on twt together, Toby saw me come in and waved giving a small.. 'im sorray'. I nodded with a smile. I opened my phone to see a new text.



yEah got ur number with out asking ik im so cool


I laughed and closed the phone leaving it at that, I decided to grab some flowy, lose clothes. I changed in the bathroom. I came out waving to the boys. I grabbed my headphones, phone, and sunglasses. 

I told dadbur I was going out and he said to be safe. I smiled at him softly and left the house. I walked to the beach playing some calm songs, and walking along the water. It was calming to just be able to walk for miles. I was probably gonna get lost- but that's why they made google maps.

I had been walking for a little bit humming to music as I came across a little ice cream stand. I checked to see if I had any lose bills.. no luck. I kept walking as it was about 2:00. I got bored of walking on the beach and ended up turning around to start walking back.

'hmm maybe I could read..'

I thought of idea's as I made my way back to the AirBnB. I decided reading on the back porch was gonna be perfect. I wasn't too far from the AirBnB. I could see the porch from where I was. 

I walked a bit more humming some tunes, I finally arrived back. I walked up the porch and slid open the door. I smiled at Wil as I went upstairs to grab a book I might have brought with me. I ignored te Bench Trio hanging out in the room, I think they were editing..

Doesn't matter, I grabbed the book and went out onto the porch. I opened it reading the words on the page, I imagine some of the plots as I read. I was reading when a little honey bee landed on my page. I watched it just sit there. It was so pretty.. A song came to head 'Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe' I felt a tear run down my face- that song is so calming but makes me emotional. I read for another hour or so-

~ time skip to later that night ~

I was hanging out of the couch just scrolling through my phone. It was about 2 am.. I couldn't sleep. I just sat there awake. I heard the stairs creak. A familiar blond stood at the bottom rubbing his eyes. 

"cant sleep too ?" he asked softly

"mhm.. wanna go.. like hmm walk on the beach ?" I asked my brain barely functional.

"hmm of course I do !" he said excided.

I stretched getting up and grabbing my headphones, phone and Tommy. I dragged him outside and gave him a headphone. I played 'Honeybee' I guess he knew it because I heard him humming as I danced. He watched and giggled when I would stumble. I smiled and looked at how his hair lightened up under the stars and moon. He sung the lyrics.. almost angelically..

"All my life~ oH bO aH set me free.. my~ honeybee~" And he continued..

I danced to him singing. I felt my cheeks warm as we sung and danced under the moon. It was sweet to have someone beside's Toby and Lani.. Speaking of Lani I should call her tmmr I miss her. It may have been what- 3 day's-

I danced into Tommy's arms, I hugged him as the song came to an end..

"thank you toms" I said softly still hugging him

I felt him nod and rest his chin on my head.. We let the ocean breeze blow against us. We sat there hugging for a minute. The next song to come on was 'good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo' I hummed the lyrics.. starting to sing.. then yell the lyrics. I sung them / yelled them perfectly. Tommy sat there quiet.. how did the vibe change so quickly- 

I laughed out of breathe as the song came to..

"WELL GOOD FOR YOU, YOU LOOK HAPPY AND HEALTHY NOT ME IF YOU EVER CARED TO ASK.." and so on Tommy and I sung / screamed the lyrics together.

"maybe im too emotional..." and so on I sung softly getting louder.

"LIKE A DAMN SOCIOPATH" I yelled as loud as I could. 

I mumbled the rest as it came to a end..

"WOOOOOOOOO" yelled like- everyone that was there staying in the AirBnB with us-

oh great-


WOOOOOOOO YEAH Y/N AND TOMMY GET IT- probably gonna do another chapter rn

1272 words

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