- chapter 8 -

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I rested my head in the blonds shoulder.. soon falling asleep.

I woke up still in the car. I assumed the car was still moving but the moon shined through the window- Tommy was where he was when I fell asleep. I guess he didn't want to wake me up. I didn't want to wake him up either.. I guess I could go back to sleep.

I shut my eyes trying but didn't work out- I didn't move much at all making sure I didn't wake Tommy. I moved my hand around looking for my phone..hmmm AHA I found my phone and grabbed my headphones. I played some music and just hummed along to the tunes. 


It was now around 10 - 11 PM The moon was pretty.. Tommy was still asleep. His head rested on top of mine. I felt him shift a bit, he stretched and looked down to see if I were awake. As he looked down to me, I smiled looking at him. 

He smiled softly back at me.

"why hello there" I said he just smiled stupidly in response.

"wanna go in" he said with a yawn at the end. 

I nodded, we were still in our formal wear and it was getting uncomfy. We grabbed our bags going into the house. No one was awake- I assumed it's because it's late.. or because THE BALL IS TMMR-

I panicked a bit internally. Tommy went into his room and I ran into mine.. I set my alarm for 7 tmmr morning. Should be enough time.. Wilbur said something about it starting at 1 I think. I ran into the bathroom changing quickly, and brushing my hair and teeth. I finished up and came out. I plopped on the bed falling asleep almost as I fell.



I touched my phone making the alarm stop. I stretched a got up slowly, trying not to get dizzy. I walked towards the bathroom before Ranboo could. I grabbed everything I needed. I started my shower, slipping off my pj's. I got in the shower and washed my hair, did everything needed. 

I got out and looked at the dress that hung on the back of the door. My phone dinged.. it's from Niki. 

'wanna drive me and you ? the boys can go together and the girls can go together.' 

I replied with of course and started on curling my hair. I did some loose curls..

~ hour later ~

I finally finished my hair- it took a while.. It was now 9:30 I had to be out the door by 11:30- I had 2 hours to do my makeup. I calmed myself and started to do a neutral type look with some red tinted gloss. I took my time making sure everything was perfect..

It was now 11- I texted Niki I needed help getting my dress on and she was there almost immediately. I opened the door letting her in. She helped me into the dress and I helped her into hers. We looked great- Niki looked very pretty as always-

I slipped on my heels and grabbed my red purse slipping my usual stuff in.

"whose driving ?" I asked 

"you" she said softly I took of my heels knowing I can't drive in them. 

We got out the door before the guys could see us. Niki knew where we were going and told me the directions. We made it to the place in what 20 minutes. The guys were there 5 minutes after us. I got out with Niki. Her and I walked in first. Someone caught my eye as they entered.. 

Tommy was wearing a red suit, I was in a red dress- HOLD UP WILBUR IS IN A PINK SUIT AND NIKI- HAHAHA THEY ARE MATCHING AWWW (( for the sake they are together ( niki and wil) I don't ship them in real life )) 

Tommy came over to me with his stupid little grin. Songs were playing and he asked to just dance and hang out. Of course I said yes- 

We went over to the dance floor where almost everyone was..

"you look stunning n/n" I heard him say.

"could say the same to you toms" I said with a toothy smile.

I was wearing my heels and dancing- I must have stumbled at least a million times- But, everytime I did Tommy would catch me and we would go back to dancing and vibing. 

I went over to Toby to see him wearing a sage suit.. Ranboo was wearing his usual suit. Dream was wearing a bulur type suit.. George wearing a light blue suit... AND SAPNAP POPPING OFF IN A WHITE SUIT-

I smiled seeing everyone having fun. I went over to the drinks and got some coke for Tommy and a Monster for me. I saw out of the corner of my eye.. Toby and Tommy talking.. hm. I brushed it off walking over to Tommy. I smiled to him and handed him the coke.

"ah yes poison" he said with a playful grin.

"only for the prince" I said not thinking- 

He got flustered and drank the coke to try and hide it. I giggled and drank some of my Monster.  As I was setting down my Monster a slow song came on.. Tommy reached his hand to me.. I smiled taking his hand. We swayed to the song. He spun me, catching me in his arms. I saw Niki and Wilbur dancing.. DREAM AND GEORGE- DNF CONFIRMED. Ranboo and Toby were watching.. and Sapnap was texting. 

I smiled looking into Tommy's eyes. We locked eyes swaying. I had my arms around his neck and he had his on my waist. We swayed back and forth just enjoying the presence of one another. We continued to sway as the music came to an end. I was just tall enough to peck Tommy's nose.. and so I did. Right after that he got flustered and I ran off to Toby.

"TOBY TOBY TOBY DID YOU SEE ?" I said getting bouncy. I was happy-

He smiled and nodded.. he looked proud of me. I felt a smile grow on my face as Toby hugged me. Toby was the same size as me while I were wearing these. I looked over to Ranboo hugging him as well.

I looked back to see Tommy just zoned out.. he had the same stupid smile I loved.. The some Honeybee reminded me so much of him.. I don't even have a good reason. I would have thought Toby would be the one but no- 

I was snapped out of my thought by DNF being confirmed by a soft peck..


I walked over to Tommy bopping his nose, he looked up to me with his stupid smile. This time is was toothy.. WoOO girl- that was..

I calmed down returning the goofy smile. We made some small talk and just enjoyed the presence of each other.. I stared into his eye.. I could get lost in them forever..

It's weird to think all of this happened because of me singing too loudly..


"yes toms?"

"I have liked you for a while and I was wondering if you-" 

I cut him off with getting up and dragging him with me.. I took him outside the sun was setting.. I hugged him tightly..  I wrapped my arms around him leaving a small soft kiss on his lips. 


The End~
Short and Sweet.. just how I wanted this to go :] I will be starting another story soon <3

1247 words

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