Chapter One - Take Away My Pain

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"Please... stop." I beg him, trying to pull my wrist free of his grasp.

He ignores me and delivers a punch to my stomach, causing me to double over in pain. I begin violently coughing up blood and I know he has really hurt something. Probably punctured my lung or kidney.

I forcefully peel my eyes open to look at him, an evil glint in his blue eyes as he punches me again.

"Please." I whine, thrashing around, but he just pushes me harder against the wall, holding my hands above my head.

He continues to punch me and kick me until I am almost out of oxygen. Everything begins to go dizzy as he finally releases me and I drop to the ground, helplessly defeated.

I continue to cough as he laughs evilly at me. The tears stream down my face and I fail to get up, falling back to the ground.

And then everything goes black.


I sit up in bed, tears staining my face and sweat trickling down my forehead. Just like every night, my nightmares end with him killing me.

Last night he stabbed me, last week he pushed me out a window, and tonight he bashed me until I gave up and became lifeless. It's been happening since the night after the Madison Square Garden. Ever since he broke my heart, I have been having torturous nightmares about him hurting me one way or another. My dreams have been tormenting me, making me feel the way he did. The night he broke up with me, I felt like I died, so my dreams like giving me that same feeling over and over.

Sighing, I grab my phone from my bedside table, wiping the tears from my cheeks as I check the time. 3:17am. Well, since I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep now, I may as well get up. I groan and get out of bed, tying my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and taking my phone out of my room with me. I put ugg boots on my feet and leave my hotel room, walking down the corridor to Josh's hotel room.

Why we have to stay in a hotel while performing in London when we live in London anyway, I have no idea, but I'm not complaining because I'm just happy to be opening for them.

Finding Josh's hotel room, I knock and step back, waiting for him to answer.

As if he is expecting me, the door swings open and an already awake Josh smiles sadly at me. "Another nightmare?" He asks softly and I nod, the tears beginning to prick at my eyes again. "Oh, Aimee." He pulls me into a hug.

I melt into him, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck.

"You can, uh, come in, if you want." He says, pulling out of the hug. He hesitates, but moves out of the way.

I smile and walk passed, stopping in my tracks not long after. "What is he doing here?!" I spit at Josh, pointing at the Irish lad that sits on Josh's sofa, eating popcorn with a hurt expression on his face.

You see, after he broke up with me, I spent a lot of time crying and upset, but then one day, I snapped, and now I have a very bad temper. I still get upset easily by the mention of his name or his presence, but I hide it with anger.

"Uh, he also had a nightmare, so he came to me." Josh explains calmly. Everyone has sort of adjusted to my new attitude, so they try not to let my temper affect them.

"You can join us." Niall says hopefully, but I shoot daggers at him.

"I'd rather not." I spit angrily, narrowing my eyes at him. He looks back at the TV screen, a hurt expression plastered on his face. I don't feel guilty for upsetting him, though. He deserves to know how it feels to be left all broken and damaged. Especially with all the promises he made. They're all broken now.

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