Chapter Five - So Sick

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"Who do you belong to?" He asks icily, adding another cut to my leg.

"I belong to you." I cry as he adds more cuts to my body. The blood is pooling around my body as I rapidly lose it. "I'm sorry. Please let me go."

As usual, he ignores my pleads and continues to injure me. He adds more slices to my stomach, arms, legs and even my cheeks.

I scream in pain as he laughs bitterly and sits on the lounge, watching me bleed to death. He enjoys torturing me. He doesn't like to just kill me straight away. Instead, he always sits and watches me slowly die.

As the blood continues to escape my body, I scream for someone, anyone, but no one comes. No one loves me. None of them care.

"Niall, please." I beg him, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Nope." He simply says, rolling his eyes and smirking.

"Help me."


He laughs as I fall into darkness.


"Aimee. Aimee, wake up." Someone whispers, shaking me.

I sit up quickly, panting and crying. Once I realize it is Niall I wipe the tears away. I must have fallen asleep while reading my book because now the book lies open on my chest.

"Why did you wake me?" I ask, moving my book and swinging my legs over the side of the couch.

"Uh, you were having a nightmare." He informs me shyly.

"Oh." Is all I say before I stand up to walk away.

That doesn't happen since he grabs my wrist and stands up as well. "We have to talk."

I roll my eyes. "No, we don't. I don't want to."

"But we have to." He argues, and I can almost laugh at how childish he sounds.

"I'll survive without the talk." I yank my wrist from his grip before going to the back of the bus and sitting next to Harry.

"Good morning, love." He says, not removing his eyes front the TV screen as he and Liam are in the middle of playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

"Is it morning?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Nope, but you were sleeping and just woke up, so I said that. Aimee, get with the century." He jokes with a laugh.

"Sorry." I chuckle.

I look around to occupy my mind when I see Zayn staring intently at Harry and I.

"Can I help you?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, uh, no, I'm fine." He mumbles, looking away.

"Liam, you're such a cheat." Harry mumbles as he throws the remote onto Liam's lap.

"No, I'm just better than you." Liam retorts and hands the remote to Louis as they set up a new game.

"Go talk to Niall." Harry whispers in my ear, but I shake my head, refusing to move. "Please? For me."

I roll my eyes and stand up. "Whatever." I grumble before walking to the back of the bus.

Niall looks up from his phone when he feels my presence and my eyes burning a hole in his head. I take a seat near him, but not right next to him.

"Talk." I tell him and he puts his phone away.

He doesn't hesitate to talk as he slides closer. "I still love you."

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