Chapter Nine - Last Time Around

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I bolt out of bed and start running down the flamed hallways. The fire cackles as it burns every part of the house.

I hack and cough as I try to look through the fire to find some sort of exit, but to no avail. The thick, black smoke is slowly taking over the oxygen. My lungs are gasping for air as I run around, only for me to have to turn around and go another direction when something falls, flames encasing each object.

"No, no, no." I cry, spinning around frantically.

And then I see him.

He is at the bottom of the stairs, laughing up at me. I go to run down the stairs, but a post from the railings around the stairs falls in front of me, setting the bottom stairs on fire as well.

I turn back around and run upstairs and back into my bedroom, but the flames have expanded to here as well. I drop to my knees, giving up. My lungs continue to gasp for air as I drop on my side.

And then I am swallowed in the flames and everything goes black.


"You still feel unwell?" Niall asks from the ground. I curl into a ball on my top bunk and nod. "Do you want me to get Harry to lay with you?" I nod again and he turns to his left. "Haz, she wants you to lay with her."

"I can't, I'm busy. You lie with her." Harry calls back. Gee, thanks, mate. I bet he's just trying to get Niall and I together again. It's not happening. Niall doesn't love me anymore and I don't love him either. He wouldn't have broken up with me if he didn't love me.

"But you're not even do-"

"Niall, just do it already."

Niall rolls his eyes and looks back up to me. His eyes ask for permission to come up. I roll my eyes and move back, letting him slide in.

"You're body is so cold this time." He says, wrapping his arm around me. "I thought you got better."

"I did. But then I got sick again." I reply, gripping onto him.

"Ouch, that hurts." He whimpers, loosening my hands from.

I don't know why, but that made me angry. "Doesn't feel nice to be hurt, does it?" I growl, turning to face the wall.

He sighs. "I'm sorry." His arm goes around me again and he pulls my back to his chest. "Look at me."

I turn my head so I can see him, but my body faces the other way.

"I am sorry for everything. For hurting you, for breaking my promises, for everything. I just want you to forgive me." He whispers before leaning in slightly.

Holy crap, he's gonna kiss me, I think. Stop him, move back, do anything, just don't kiss him.

His lips brush mine and my eyes flutter close. He closes the gap and our lips mould together. We don't move, we don't add tongue, we just let our lips lean together and become one.

I don't know why I am kissing back, but I haven't felt his lips on mine in so long that I just want to give in to him. After all, he did say he was sorry.

What the hell am I doing? He's lying!

I pull back and he looks at me wide-eyed. "Get out." I spit, pointing to the ground.

"Aimee, I'm so-"

"Get out!" I shout and he sighs, getting out of bed.

I turn and face the wall again, completely shocked with what just happened. Why did it feel good to kiss him? Why did I let him kiss me? Why am I letting him get to me? I hate him. Why do I think I believe him? No, I don't. Why do I suddenly feel better, just from a kiss?

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