Chapter Fifteen - Cry

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I didn't know what to do. Actually, what am I supposed to do? The baby can't be Harry's, could it? No. But I don't recall sleeping with anyone else.

Without the boys noticing (they're too busy playing video games), I sneak out of the bathroom and grab a zip-lock bag. I take it back to the bathroom and throw the tests in there, zipping the bag up and shoving it in my jumper pocket.

Ever since Niall forcefully grabbed me, I have been wearing jumpers and long-sleeve shirts to cover the bruises on my wrists.

I should probably show Niall the bruises and cause him to feel guilty for what he did, but I don't want that. He already feels guilty enough and I know it. Showing him just how hard he gripped me would kill him and I really can't deal with a dead body right now.

Sighing, I leave the bathroom and quietly go to the front of the bus. I take a seat at the dining table and rest my cheek against the cold wood of the table.

I have slowly forgiven Niall and the others. It was kind of stupid for me to be angry with them in the first place. Sure, Niall did break most of his promises, but he did it for a good reason, I guess. He didn't want to ruin his and my career, so he did what Management told him too. It was a good reason.

And now I know why the others were comforting him so much. It must have been so hard for him to break up with me that he was broken afterwards. He would have hated seeing me in so much pain.

But now I'm pregnant.

I can't tell Liam. I can't tell Harry. I can't tell anyone that I'm pregnant. I can't put the pressure of a child on their shoulders. They're too young and whoever the father is (which I am starting to believe is Harry) doesn't deserve to have their career ruined because of my stupidity.

So, what do I do? If I stay on tour they will find out eventually and the public will find out and the boys will have to give up their careers for the baby. But if I go home my mum will find out and my family will be disappointed in me.

There's only one thing.

I have to leave and go someplace they won't find me. It's for the best.

"Aimee?" A familiar voice whispers, interrupting my thoughts.

I lift my head to see Niall towering over me, a look of concern on his face.

"Are you ok?" He whispers, his ice blue eyes meeting mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie smoothly.

He sighs. "Can we talk?"

"Take a seat." I reply, motioning to the seat across from me.

He slides into the booth and rests his forearms on the table, exhaling heavily. He doesn't say anything, so silence falls over us as we just stare at each other.

His eyes are back to the light blue I love, and his facial features no longer hold the anger they had the other day. He is fiddling with his fingers, probably contemplating over what to say.

"I'm sorry." He finally whispers, looking down shamefully.

"It's ok." I reply, shrugging.

His head snaps up. His eyes are filled with nothing but sorrow and guilt. "No, I mean it. I'm sorry for breaking up with you, I'm sorry for breaking my promises, and I'm sorry for grabbing you as hard as I did. You didn't deserve it, Aimee."

The other four suddenly come in and sit on the couch across from us.

"They don't trust me." Niall says softly, still refusing to look at me.

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