Ch. 16, In Return

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Chapter Sixteen

An hour later, Sesshomaru arrived at his manor with confidence. He learned many things from the human at the village and was certain that you would be satisfied with the date.

"[Y/n]," he called out, peering into your room and staring at your busy figure. You were humming as you happily combed your hair.

"Oh Sesshomaru, you're back" you smiled. Your headache was long gone after being able to take a nap, "Are those flowers?"

Sesshomaru nodded, handing you a bouquet of hibiscus flowers. You smiled. Hisbiscus flowers were the same flowers you would use to make your favorite tea. You took a wiff of it's aroma - an unforgettable scent that lingered in your mind.

"Would you like to go on a date?" Sesshomaru asked again. He recalled his teachings from Yuta and mentally prepared himself to be a romantic. Step one, bring a gift. Check.

"Of course," you chirped, craddling the flowers, "Weren't we supposed to go to one earlier?"

"Yes, but now to a forest,"

"A forest?"

"For a picnic."

You blushed. A picnic? All the ladies at the village used to gossip about picnics and how they were so romantic. How did Sesshomaru know about them?

"Do humans not go on picnics?" he frowned. Yuta had told him picnics were essential in catching a young lady's heart and making them fall in love with you.

He averted his eyes, "Should we do something else?"

"No-no! I always wanted to go on a picnic with you" you reassured him, "It's very romantic"

Placing the flowers down, you pushed yourself off the bed and give the demon a tiny hug. He flinches in surprise but envelopes you in a warm embrace.

"I prepared one already," Sesshomaru said.

"Wait we are going right now?! But I'm not ready! I have to change-"

"You look beautiful in whatever you wear." Yuta's second step to being romantic, compliments. Check.

You let out a nervous chuckle - checking the reflection to quickly adjust your appearance. Beautiful? You just woke up! At least Sesshomaru could give you a few minutes to change into a better outfit or-

"Let's go now [Y/n]."

Sesshomaru swiftedly positioned you into his arms and darted towards the exit of the manor. You clutched his kimino tightly. You sighed, you'd have to go on your first date with your house clothes.

He pushes off the ground and the two of you fly over the sky. You stare in amazement. It was beautiful. There was mixture of different trees and mountains. Wind blew through your [h/c] locks and your clothes. It was surprisingly very peaceful.

"We're here," Sesshomaru said breaking you from your mesmerized trance. It had only been three minutes but with his demonic speed, the two of your arrived at the forest with ease.

Sesshomaru let you go and you eagerly walked around. Surronded by trees, the both of you stood in an open area. Flowers and grass scattered across the ground. A huge tree towered in the middle. At the base of the tree, there was a white blanket with a basket.

"Wow," you gasped, walking across the grass,"It's so beautiful here."

Sesshomaru nodded, "This is the first place we met."

Your eyes widen. Looking around, the area was very familiar but it was hard to recognize. When you first met Sesshomaru, however, it was snowing so heavily that you could be buried in snow.

In Return [Sesshomaru × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now