Ch. 8, Know Your Place

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Chapter 8

Several days had past since Sesshomaru claimed you as his mate and although you were still weak from his revival, you begged him to let you go outside to pick flowers.  Autumn was near and all greenery would soon die.  You wanted to bask in Earth's beauty and immerse yourself amongst nature.

It took several hours of convincing but, Sesshomaru eventually allowed you to leave home for the afternoon.  Since you were his first mate, he was very protective over you.  Demon mates could be easy targets but as long as you wore his kimono, you would be fine.  It had his demonic aura.

As Sesshomaru gripped your hand as you walked through the forest, tears threatened to fall from your eyes.  You were happy to be outside but your mind couldn't help but flood with harsh memories of the village.   In the past, the villagers would beg you to heal them.  They would make you feel guilty for not using your abilities, even if you were fainting from pain.  They would compare you to your ancestors and say that you were a failure.  The village never cared and manipulated you every chance they got. They only wanted your powers.

It was in the woods that you would escape from their torture and train.  You trained to release your built up resentment and after several years, your powers finally began to stabilize.  Now, you could heal for hours and pain was not as severe as it used to be.  The village also stopped nagging you but the damage of their past words could never be done.  As a result, you concealed your emotions and pushed yourself as hard as possible, desperately trying to get stronger for the village.  But you hated it, you hated being a doctor. It was only for the children that you continued to preserve.

When Sesshomaru asked you to be his mate, you couldn't help but accept.  A life of freedom, rest, love, and protection was too big of an offer to refuse.  You felt guilty for being selfish, for abandoning your duties and Suikotsu but it couldn't be helped.  You spent years caring for others, it was about time you cared for yourself.  It was okay to be selfish.

"[Y/n]?" Sesshomaru said, breaking you out of your thoughts.  You peer up at him with tear filled eyes, smiling.  He was completely oblivious to the fact that he had saved you from years of torture.  It was if he, a demon,  was a reward from the heavens.  "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," you say reassuringly, "I was just thinking about some stuff."

You wrap your arms around Sesshomaru and nuzzle your face into his chest.  Your tears lightly stain his kimono and leave tiny wet patches.  You blush in embarrassment, mumbling an apology.  His warmth was like a blanket, comforting and safe.

" I have to go to the Northern mountains for a bit,"  Sesshomaru says, he cupping your cheek and forcing you to look up at him, "I'll be back by sundown.  Stay with Jaken and Rin."

You meekly nod and hug him tightly, before watching him disappear into the forest.  Jaken and Rin stand by your side.  They had become more protective of you since Sesshomaru told them you were his mate.  It was embarrassing because out of the two of them, you were taller and more powerful.  But still, it was cute.  They were just trying their best.

"[Y/n]-san, let's go flower picking now!" Rin cheers, raising her hands in the air.  She drags you deeper into the forest while Jaken trudges behind, crossing his arms.  Although Lord Sesshomaru had given him the duty of protecting you, he was still very annoyed at the fact that you were human.  He hated all humans but since his Lord commanded him, he would protect you with his life.

"Look at these, Rin!" you say, marveling at a hibiscus flower.  With its petals, you used to make amazing medicines. But now that you were no longer a doctor, you could make tea. You smile to yourself, Sesshomaru would probably enjoy hibiscus tea.  You happily picked a few dozen flowers and place them into your basket.

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