Off on the Wrong Foot, Literally., Heartache Episode., and Found..

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Cade's P.O.V.

I was getting groceries and no one apparently buys groceries around 2 in the afternoon in this town. I paid and put all the groceries in my truck and started home. I got to the house and put the food away. I grabbed a cold beer and collapsed on the front porch looking out on the swaying fields of tall grass getting ready to be cut and used as hay. The sound of crickets and other insect calls were the only noises that made me relax. I started to drift off into a daydream when I noticed a human like figure slowly trying to cross my yard? They were invisible then slightly glitched into existence. This kinda reminded me of a horror movie. I rubbed my eyes then I saw them look towards me. "Nope!" I said and ran inside grabbing my baseball bat. I grabbed it and ran back outside. "I aight afraid some damn ghosts! Get ready for a Texas beating Satan spawn!" I yelled and whacked it where the head is or would be. Load crunching sound was heard before a yelp and thud. The invisible thing came into existence and appeared to be a human in a strange black suit of armor. The helmet seemed to be cracked where I hit it and (h/c) hair was tumbling out along with drops of blood. "Oh shit. I killed someone." I got into my knees and looked closer. The chest plate was moving up and down indicating that they were still alive. I looked up and around to see if there were others. Seeing no movement I got up and hooked my arms under this person's arms and dragged them into the house. Getting to the living room I dumped them as gracefully on the couch as possible. They kinda tumbled right off because not all of them landed on the couch. I finally got them on the couch with out any more issues. I then went to grab the first-aid kit that was in the kitchen and dumped my beer down the drain. Getting back to the person in my living room, I got to fiddling with the suit of armor. I found a claps and tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't budge. A button closer to the right ear and towards the inside of the ring of the bottom of the helmet. I clicked it and the helmet melted right off the person's head and into the ring. Since the clasp wasn't lacked together it fell off of the person to see the (h/c) hair tumbling around her (s/c) skin. There were cuts and bruises littering her skin. I then started to look to find a way to get her armor off. After a few minutes I got most of her armor off, but she was still in a metallic under suit like thing. Looking at her right arm I noticed a band that had buttons and clicked the bigger button. The shine of the suit melted away to leave her in a sports bra and a pair of shorts. While I was bandaging her mid section Tessa came home and opened the door.

"What are you doing?" Asked Tessa once she looked up from her phone. You are probably wondering why she would ask me that, well I am in a particular weird situation because I have an unconscious woman sprawled on the couch and myself on top of her. That in no situation would look good to their child. I froze as I looked at Tessa. "Never mind, move. You are doing it wrong." Tessa said as I got off the woman who now I notice only has one leg? I swear she had both of them. Tessa and I moved in sync to bandage and staple wounds. Once done Tessa got up while I sat on the floor leaning on the couch. I watched as Tessa got a bowl and towel from the kitchen. She filled the bowl up with warm water and came back.

"You know, you would make a great nurse or doctor." I said as Tessa cleaned the dried blood from the mysterious person on my couch.

"I never really put much thought into it, but I think I will go into the medical field if I get that scholarship." Tessa said and smiled at me as she finished the sentence. I smiled at her and started to nod off. I left Tessa to her devices as I got some well deserved sleep.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I woke with a groan and pain. Mostly from my head, but aches every part of my body. Even in my left leg which no longer existed. The darkness of the roam meant I wasn't in a hospital, prison, or dead. It smelt like a home. The soft breeze and sound of ceiling fans made me want to drift back off to sleep. However something was missing, Optimus. He was home. He was that thing that I longed for, that ache in my soul, my true home. I peeled my eyes open and the crickets and saccades became more auditable along with the soft snores that were closer to my foot. The soft pitter patter for feet was growing closer until I saw a beautiful teenager. She had soft green eyes and bleach blonde hair pulled into a messy bun. She was caring a blanket and pillow staring at the man leaning on the couch by my foot. She then looked around the room and stopped on me.

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