Hacking/Chipped., Betrayal!, and Forseen Consequences..

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Time Skip: To Sammy's and Carly's Apartment Suite Brought to you by a grumpy Sam.

I didn't have to know what went down in Mearing's office to know what the outcome was as Sam left. I walked Sam and Carly out of the building but not before having Sam give me his phone to 'input' my emergency number that will automatically direct his call to me. In reality, I put in a chip in his phone so I can hack it so I can track him and hear and see who he talks to. This will give me a peace of mind for when he is away. Now all I had to worry about is Mearing and her bitchy attitude.

"Excuse me, gentleman. May I ask what is this technology you're looking for?" She asked as if she doesn't know and as if she never chewed my brother's ass about being a quote on quote messenger in her opinion. But for Sammy, he felt like her words were what everyone else thought of him and that didn't sit right with me. In my book, he will always be a hero.

"It is the ability to reshape the universe. Together the pillars form a Space Bridge. I designed, and I alone can control it. It defies your laws of physics to transport matter through time and space." Sentinel said trying to dumb it down for her. I smirked at the backhanded statement.

"So, a controlled wormhole that can send matter from one point to another without damage and or a time delay. Or in other words a teleportation device?" I asked trying to completely wrap my mind around the concept. I think it could be possible if you knew both the coordinates of the place you're going and the place you are at as well as other factors like distance and time changes and the quantum matter and structure of the items being sent.

"A teleportation device?" Mearing asked to get clarification.

"In essence, yes, for resources, for refugees," Optimus said in a sincere and sad tone that was completely and undoubtfully truthful underlining voice.

"Refugees, or troops of soldiers, weapons, maybe bombs! A means of an instant strike! That's its military function, isn't it?" Mearing accused of the metal titans that could harm her. The faces of both Primes hardened at the accusations that Mearing yelled out. I scowled at her with a pointed glare that could scare Megatron himself.

"It is our technology and it must be returned," Sentinel said standing up for himself and his creation. I thought about it and the order of events that have happened so far. Something seems off. Sentinel seems pretty insistent in getting these pillars back.

"Yes. If humans say so! You can't just bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere! Kind of have too clear customs first. A little formality called paperwork kind of separates us from the animals." Mearing said. She hit a nerve in Sentinel, and you could see it in the way his face scrunched up more and well as the pointed stare he gave her but Mearing didn't back down.

"I will overlook your condescending tone if you heed the gravity of mine. The Decepticons must never know the Space Bridge is here. In their hands, it would mean the end of your world." He warned. I thought about it and if he is the only person who could wield the Space Bridge then he has some tie to the Decepticons that he is hiding from everyone. I have to warn Optimus before this continues. Mearing and Sentinel had a short stare down until Optimus pulled Sentinel away from her and towards the direction of the Autobot hanger. I was trying to approach this topic lightly with Optimus when my phone pinged and saw that Sammy is calling someone. My eye widened when I saw it wasn't a common number and sprinted off to my secure computer. I hooked up my phone and started to listen in to the conversation, but Sammy said nothing except to talk to Simmons when a Dutch heavy accent man answered. This happened five more times until I hacked into the audio of the phone and could hear loud shuffling and a person yelling to leave his house which I recognized all too well. Definitely Simmons's voice. I sighed as I listened in on the conversation. Sammy doesn't mess around when he wants and answers and to prove people wrong.

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