Mystery Fellow., Carly!, and Resolution: Part 1..

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Unknown P.O.V.

I saw the young warrior detach themselves from the ship and fired my gun freezing time, so I had enough to catch them from their death. The fem's hair was messy, and she had strange looking armor covering her body. It was dented in places and scratched in others. A frown graced my face as I walked away from the crashed ship with the fem gently tucked towards my chassis. I walked around looking for the other Autobots since I was to secretly guard the young fem from situations like this, but she insists that she does things on her own. I got a signal and started towards them. I transformed into the jeep wrangler that she modified and drove with her gently tucked into the driver seat with a seat belt securing her body into me. Her breathing started to get ragged as I drove around towards who I hoped was my leader. Her eyes started to flutter meaning she was coming back from her unconscious state. I unbuckled her and transformed holding her in my hand. I gently placed her on the ground and ran off to my other mission hoping to see her again.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I came to on the ground with ringing in my ears and a headache. I seemed to be in an abandoned part of Chicago due to the lack of explosions or noise. I turned my head slowly to see where I was but had no idea. I was next to a white catholic church that was missing parts of its windows and had scorch marks in some places on the parts that I could see. The ringing in my ears has subsided and I got up from the hard ground. Once up from the ground I touched my head because of an annoying cold and warm feeling running down the side of my face. I brought back my hand to see the red substance that keeps people alive. I huffed in annoyance and ignored it wiping my hand off on the ground. My armor was beat up but was self-repairing due to the nanotechnology that I created. I started towards the explosions and chaos that I could hear and see from a distance. My armor was repaired when Carly ran right into me knocking me onto the ground with her on top of me. I groaned in pain as she was crying her eyes out trying to tell me something, but I could not understand because of the jumbled words she was saying.

"Carly!" I yelled grabbing her attention. I looked behind her once I heard the load footsteps of something coming. I rolled us over, so I was on top and activated my helmet. My gun in my hand by the time I spun around to see who had come after Carly. It was some random Con that I shot killing it before it even knew what hit them. "Carly, you are safe now. Tell me what the hell is going on!"

"Sentinel Prime is here, and he has the pillars to his Space Bridge. They're on top of a building on Chicago River. It's owned by Hotchkiss-Gould Investments. Now, the pillar that controls everything is in the southeast cupola. Sam told the military that we have to destroy the pillar, or they are going to transport Cybertron here!" Carly said with tears in her eyes.

"I won't let them bring Cybertron here, Carly. I'll protect you and everyone else." I said with a soft tone in my voice as I helped Carly get up. I rubbed her arms as I was about to leave.

"Wait! Please, don't go! You might die. Sam will be heartbroken even more if you don't come back. We thought you died! I can't let you do this." Carly said in desperation.

"Carly, if I don't do it them who will?" I asked as she held my hand. She loosened her grip as I turned my whole body to face her pulling her into a hug. "I know that people will be sad if I don't make it back, but I can't let the people I love who need me be killed by the stupidity of others that know nothing. Not coming back is not an option. I will always be here for the people I love. I might not be here physically, but I will be here always." I said pulling from her pointing to her heart as she cried harder. "Tell Sam that when you see him." I whispered as I ran off. I had my own tears building in my eyes as I left. I was scared of not seeing my friends again. I feared for my family if I don't make it back. I am terrified for my lover, that he might not be whole again if I leave. I have to win not just for them but for my future I know that there are more important things to do then to worry and fear about right now. I was running around the city when I got a ping from my computer system about incoming planes. I started to panic because I know exactly who is leading this and the outcome. I had to help. I rushed to the tallest building that I could find and waited. I didn't wait long when the fireworks started rolling in. I modified my weapons design in the time I waited and took aim with the new sniper rifle specifically made for taking down the flying Decepticon ships. My men started jumping when a huge crash came from a building behind me. I fired a few rounds and turned to fire at the thing that was crushing the building. The gears that was protecting it had Optimus' trailer and I couldn't get a clear shot, so I scoffed and had the sniper riffle deconstruct itself until the top of the building started to tilt towards the roof of the building, I was in. I saw something that I have never wanted to see. Sam, Carly and some of my ex-military friends sliding through the building. Some of them were able to stop but some of them kept sliding. They weren't going to make it and there is no way that could land on the building I was on. I shot a zip line to the building across me attaching the open end to me and prepared to jump. I pulled on the line to make sure it was safe and activated me magnetic propelling pads in my boots. Ran towards the back of the roof I was on the farthest point and off the edge of the building. I ran on the edges to get a swinging motion as the men broke through the windows of the building. I used the magnetic propelling pads in my boots as momentum to catch all the guys that fell though the windows. If I didn't catch them one of the other guys did. "Tuck and roll!" I yelled over the wind when we got closer to the apartment building. I dropped them off to the fire escape railing or clinging onto it and propelled myself from the apartment building to the falling building catching Epps, Sam, Carly, and a few others. Dropping them off on the same building as all the others and propelling myself with even more force and detaching the wire midair and shooting another one into the broken building I pulled myself in. The crunching of the monster worm like Decepticon was getting closer and there were ships under the place I came in. The rumbling came closer to my feet and I jumped and rolled away as it ate through that part of the building. I had to think quick in how to destroy it. I needed a bomb or something. I was searching fast when I saw one of Que's boom sticks tangled into some electrical wires cause an idea to spark in my brain. I launched myself from the pillar that I was standing on to the wires. I knew how Que made these but in theory if I add a high voltage of electricity the explosion will cause a ripple effect that will blow everything up. I opened the boom stick and attached it the working electrical wires in the building. Once I connected everything, I had to get out quickly. Which means falling and hoping someone might catch me but before I set the charge, I shot down five ships that were shooting at my guys, but I was not able to save two of the planes. A tear left my eye, but I kept the rest in. I saw Optimus stuck in wires and shot two of them. Severing the wires, he was able to escape. He saw me and started to rush towards me. It was in slow motion it seemed as I pressed the button to blow up the building and the monster Decepticon. I fell letting gravity do its thing. Screams of 'No!' were heard as it exploded seconds after I left the building. I got caught in the fire and debris. Destruction was all around me as I fell. I wasn't worried or scared. I felt free. Free and safe because I knew that I would survive this.

Author's Note:

I am sorry for the long wait! I had to squeeze this in because of my college classes. Who knew online classes demanded so much more time. Anyways, listen to ClassyBoujieBosses anywhere that plays Podcasts! You won't regret it!

See you next chapter! <3 

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