3 :: kidnapped?

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"So... let me get all of this straight. You suspect she's a member of the Fatui?"

Diluc nodded, clearing his throat. "Yes. Kaeya's been on her tail since yesterday. And although there is little tangible truth, this girl isn't to be trusted."

It took everything in Lumine to not react and keep her nonchalant air. "I don't think it's right for you to ask me of this. She isn't Fatui."

Paimon flew out of her little pocket dimension and whispered her thoughts into Lumine's ear, a tiny hand blocking auditory passage between Diluc and her. "We don't want to end up with another Childe situation. If Diluc thinks it, we should stay on the safe side." She said with a hushed tone. "I wouldn't be surprised if Y/N had a delusion."

Lumine kept this all into thought and spat her answer. "Fine, if you insist, I'll interrogate her. I don't know what's stopping you to do it yourself though."

She tried her hardest to not show any emotional indicator of her thoughts when approaching Y/N and the booth she was sat at.

But nothing she did could wipe the skepticism off her face. "I have business to attend to shortly, but Y/N, you know why we're here, right?"

Y/N's shoulders sunk. "If it's what you're asking, I'm not a member of the Fatui." Lumine raised her eyebrows but quickly shifted back into formality.

She didn't want to ask this, but she could see Diluc watching her every move in the corner of her eye. "You don't have any sort of identification. How can any knight trust you?"

Y/N's eyes were blank, but Lumine couldn't help but imagine that her heart felt betrayed. "You can't trust me. I get it, I dropped in out of nowhere and I can't expect people to get alone with me." Lumine wanted to protest. This wasn't what she was implying at all, and Y/N was getting all the wrong ideas in her head. She continued. "You can also tell your friend to quit staring at me."

And with that, she left the tavern without giving Lumine a chance to clear up anything.

Lumine was close to banging her fist on the table in frustration, but she knew she couldn't get away with that with Diluc in the same room. Instead, she picked herself up and threw a half-hearted punch towards his shoulder to let out her rage.

"You're a damn ass, you know that?"

He only let out a grunt and went off to attend to another drunkard, uncaring.

Lumine wanted to chase after Y/N, and although she couldn't be sure of her status in the Fatui, she could at least fix her clearly forced words.

She focused her elemental sight and scanned the isolined surfaces for a signal, but found none. If Y/N wielded a vision, there would normally be a track.

Luckily, she had enough faith from the people where they'd direct her to the right direction.

"Yeah, I did see a H/C girl run off that way."

"I can't be sure, but are you looking for that girl who ran out the city gates? Strange one..."

"A girl with adventurer attire? She's straight ahead."

Lumine took all these comments into consideration and ran straight ahead out Mondstadt's gates. She didn't stop to notice the clumsy merchants in need of help or the hilichurls that chased after her. Y/N was a locust swarm in Lumine's head.

She strained herself to use her elemental sight to search, and it faltered whenever she blinked. But particular from last time, a singular trace was laid out right in front of Lumine's unstable frame.

And it was the leaf of a ley line, with a fading trail of cryo particles leading to another denture in the side of a steep hill.

Lumine was about to find the base's entrance until she heard her name coming straight from a certain outrider. "Lumine! Wait, don't go just yet!"

"Amber?" She was getting impatient by the second. It baffled Lumine on how Amber was able to hold herself with such cheer all the time.

"I just heard what you were planning to do," Amber panted, still exhausted from her sprint, "I don't want you to go alone."

Lumine gave her a weird look. "I can hold my own just fine."

"N-No, it's not that. That bard said he had a 'strange feeling' about Y/N. And you know how he is! His instinct is sharper than my best arrow!"

Lumine bought this for now. An extra pair of hands couldn't hurt.

"Well there's definitely something fishy with this domain. Why would they want Y/N of all people?"

Amber gave a face that said 'beats me,' and Lumine knew that both of them were in the dark. It was impossible to prepare for anything unexpected beforehand.

They've been stalling for too long now, anything could have happened since the time they've stood there. Lumine summoned her blade and stepped straight into the hideout without warning.

She was greeted immediately with a group of hilichurls huddled around a campfire in the damp cave. They didn't waste a second before charging towards Lumine with their weapons held high.

"Amber! Throw me that bunny thing you have!"

"Baron bunny? They're not a THING!" Amber tossed the explosive plushie into Lumine's hands.

And with a simple charge of her sword, Lumine swirled Baron Bunny into the angry hilichurls, which exploded upon contact with the campfire. They disintegrated to dust with embers whirling around their ashes, putting out the campfire the hilichurls previously gathered around.

"Oh that was easy! Imagine if Jean saw us, she would be thrilled." Amber nudged the traveler's side.

"She would scold us to no ends if she knew we were out doing dangerous shit," Lumine scoffed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

The girls swiftly dealt with the monsters they've encountered on the way. Lumine traced the fancy patterns engraved onto the familiar cubic button before kicking it, revealing the vast expanse they've explored for.

A cryo and pyro abyss mage sat waiting right next to the iron cage Y/N sat in, shivering.

Lumine and Amber exchanged glances. Her clenched fists were prepared to strangle the nearest mage, and the snapped polearm resting on her lap radiated with malice. From the looks of it, Y/N was absolutely pissed.


How sturdy are polearm handles anyway? I tried searching up results for it but came out with nothing. Either I'm bad at using Google or there's no data on it whatsoever. So for now I'll just assume abyss mages are buff as hell and can break weapons like a school pencil lol

And again, I have no shame and asking you to vote ⭐️ !! Or not it's really your choice 😋

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