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First chapter! Not too interesting but important backstory for the rest of the fanfic. Hope you enjoy!
Harrison had spent hours staying up, perfecting his trick. Creating flyers, which he knew he didn't need, but loved every second of making them. Finally, he had figured out the trick that will raise his place in the Camp Campbell social hierarchy. Hell, he might be even become king! Kick Max off the podium and have everyone love him. He could even become famous, switching the intricate webs that create a person only to turn them from optimistic to pessimistic. For a brief moment he took in his surroundings. All the campers had showed up for Harrison's performance, even Max. The sun shon on his face, blue skies lurking above with dabbles of wafting clouds painted intricately. Harrison claimed he was going to switch David and Gwen's personalities, and although no one thought he could do it, they were all still standing at the base of the stage, eagerly waiting to see what Harrison would do. Max claimed he didn't want to show up, although almost everyone knew that he was extremely excited to see David with Gwen's pessimism, and Gwen all happy and cheery like David. The Counsellors were standing on the rickety stage, everyone's eyes on them.
"Behold, my greatest trick ever! I think I finally cracked the code - today, you will witness the greatest magic in the history of the world! It will outshine Houdini-" Max cut Harrison off.
"Yeah, yeah just get to the point Harrison."
"I- ok. Today I will switch David and Gwens personalities." Harrison said, the light in his eyes slightly dimming at Max's comment. Everyone applauded Harrison, surprisingly, even Nerris. Just as quickly as it faded, the light in his eyes returned. The applause stopped and for a few moments Harrison was confused, before,
"Ah, right. The trick." Harrison lowered his gaze and turned towards the Counsellors, taking a brief moment to look at them before turning his head back down. He sealed his eyes shut, and in full concentration muttered a few unintelligible words, making some movements with his hands, gesturing towards David and Gwen. Harrison was nervous, sweat trickling down his forehead. He focused all his energy into There were a few moments were everyone was in suspense, David and Gwen were nervous and Harrison hadn't finished muttering. He suddenly shot his head up and turned towards the audience, bowed and proudly stated,
"If my trick has gone right, you shall now witness a cheery Gwen and a pessimistic David!" There was a moment of silence as the campers waited in anticipation of something to happen.
"Hey, sorry Harrison, but I don't think your trick worked. It's alright though, you can always practice more and try again!" David said, much to everyone's disappointment, as his usual self.
"B-but how?" Harrison questioned as everyone walked away from his stage. He heard all the other kids say,
"Totally uncool trick."
"Didn't even work, what a loser."
"I fucking called it guys, told you the trick wouldn't work."
"Yeah, so lame."
Harrison pressed his back against the wall and slumped down, sitting on the old stage criss-cross applesauce. Harrison's sadness welled up inside him like a murky pool. He really thought he had finally figured out the trick that would get everyone to realise how cool he was. He sighed to himself, knowing that he was going to have many a more restless nights, trying to figure out the key to his next big performance. But the one thought that triumphed them all, the one he dreaded oh so very much, was that he failed. The trick didn't work. He thought he had finally figured it out, mixing hypnotism with a little bit of everything he knew, but he still failed. A tear fell out of his sahara eyes, and as if on cue, white clouds turned grey and rain trickled down from the sky. He solemnly took of his prized magicians hat and walked back to his tent. His performance was the final activity of the day, so it was time to go to bed shortly after. When he arrived at his tent, he walked in, removed his shoes and laid down in bed, clutching his hat to his chest.

- Time Skip to Morning -

While he did try, Harrison never managed to fall asleep due to last nights events, so as he wakes into the Mess Hall he looked quite disheveled. Undone shoelaces, crooked tie and bags under his eyes, everyone could tell something was wrong.
"Yo, dude, what the fuck happened to you? You look like you survived a fight with a bear. Though, with what happens at this shit-hole I wouldn't be surprised." Max commented.
"Well, if you need to know, I could not sleep last night." Harrison snapped back.
"Figures." Neil replied.
"Um, how?" Nikki asked curiously.
"Well if you take a close look at his general appearance, it seems-"
"Shut up Neil, I don't like people telling me how horrible I look." Harrison replied furiously. He felt a little bad about it straight after, but still he turned up his nose at Neil and stomped away. As he walked, he caught glimpses of snarky remarks, probably made by Max. He just grabbed his tray, which was just filled with whatever the "potatoes" were by the Quartermaster and sunk into a seat on a table that luckily, had no people on it. For now. About a second later, David slid over on the bench opposite to Harrison, sitting right in-front of him.
"Good morning camper! What's got you feeling so down today?" David said, his usual cheery self. Harrison thought about lying, but quickly decided on telling the truth.
"Got no sleep. Bummed about last nights fail."
"Don't call it a failure Harrison, call it a learning opportunity!" David plastered a big smile on his face, digging his fork into his 'potatoes', putting it into his mouth, gagging and then swallowing, his eye twitching in disgust. Harrison could hear Max laughing at David from the next table over. Harrison sadly stabbed his 'potatoes' with his fork, but ultimately decided to leave the Mess Hall and go to spooky island, just to calm down, and because no one goes there anyways. He simply dropped his fork, slid off the bench and opened the large doors leading outside.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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