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I sit up, careful not to move my arm to much as I hold it to my chest. When I remember the snitch in my hand I raise it above my head and the crowd goes wild, and by crowd I mean Slytherin and my friends as well as those who don't care about Slytherin wining. I can even hear a few Gryffindor's swearing loudly as the realise their defeat. 

My friends and team reach me first before a few teachers show up to make sure I'm okay. "You won!" despite the pain I can't help but smile at Leon's voice as he barrels into me. Luckily I move my are out of the way fast enough and he simply slams into my chest. Dad arrives shortly after and tries to look at my arm only to be pushed aside by Lockhart. I scoot away from him as he pulls his wand out. "Don't worry everyone I know how to fix this."

"No offence Professor but I would prefer to go see Madam Pomfrey. She's the healer. Not you." I might as well have protested to a brick wall as Lockhart doesn't even acknowledge me saying anything. Since I knew what was going to happen I put a protective barrier up around Leon and I and watch in satisfaction as his spell bonces back making Lockhart's skull disappears as he falls backwards. Making his head look as if it was melting into a puddle. I hear a few students gag while a few cringe and laugh it off. Poppy runs over as shakes her head in disappointment at Lockhart's inability to cast a simple spell.

"Snape bring your daughter to the medical wing. I'll be there to heal her in a minute. I'll need to deal with Lockhart first" Dad nods and carefully scoops me off the ground not even caring that Leon had latched himself around my neck. I give him an impressed look when he makes it to the medical wing with out so much as breaking a sweat. "Don't give me that look. I work out. I have to otherwise I would never survive lifting all those cauldrons" 

I realise he was right and give him a sheepish smile. Some cauldrons were magic proof, meaning magic would simply rebound off of them and hit something else. This was to prevent people from messing with other peoples work. It also meant that you couldn't use magic to lift them. 

I get comfortable on the bed and Poppy walks in Levitating Lockhart in behind her. George was walking with her and held my broom in one hand while the other supported Lockhart's head on a wooden board. The board looked to have a pillow like layer to act as a head brace. 

A part of me did feel kind of bad. I mean the guy has to regrow his skull, But he would have done the same to me any way. I stay in the infirmary for the rest of the night to allow my arm to heal fully and help Poppy with Lockhart. Apparently he needed to be fed Skelegrow every few hours until his skull fully grew back which would take a few days. 

Leon refused to leave my side so poppy let him sleep in my bed next to me and dad checked on me a few times before curfew. In the morning Minnie comes in and smiles sweetly when she sees Leon sleep soundly on my chest with me playing with his hair.

"morning aunt Minnie"

"Good morning my girl. how did you sleep?" 

"Well Lockhart regained his jaw about 2 hours ago and wouldn't stop complaining about his face and hair. I put up a sound barrier around his bed. I still don't think he's stopped yet. Almost woke Leon."

Minnie glares in Lockhart's direction before coming over to me and stoking my hair out of the way. I manage to get Leon off my chest and sit up. I carefully turn so my back is to her and use my magic to put the divider between us and Lockhart. Before Minnie can question what I'm doing I transfigure a glass on the side into a hair brush and pass it to her before pulling my hair from its up do.

I knew this was a big deal for Minnie. For me to trust her enough to show my hair fully, that she was loved by me as a member of my family. I can practically feel Minnie's smile as she carefully starts to brush through my long hair.

My hair had grown a little over the past few months and it was now only an inch or two from touching the top of the bed if I sat up right.

I close my eyes and enjoy to feeling of someone playing with my hair. Even when all the knots are gone she continues to run the brush through my hair until it shines.

I hear dad walk in and pause at the divider for a moment. "Snakeling?"

"You can come in dad. Minnie's just doing my hair." so far dad was the only other person that I had showed my hair too. He steps past the divider and smiles when he sees me. Standing opposite me he reaches over the bed and places a kiss on my forehead before doing the same to the still sleeping Leon.

" Sleep well?" Dad asks as he pulls a chair over and takes a seat. "Yes papa, I help Poppy with Lockhart as well"

Dad rolls his eyes before glaring in Lockhart's direction through the screen making me smirk. He was probably still annoyed over the blonde pushing him out of the way.

"How are you feeling?" dad asks while her starts to gently play with Leon's hair. "Fine. I'm all healed up. Also who's taking over Lockhart classes?"

"That's actually what I came to talk to you about my dear. Since you did so well last time I wanted to know if you wanted to teach DADA until he is better." Minnie tells me, pulling my hair slightly as she braids it up in my usual style.

"I don't mind. I'll make sure to get my work from my teachers and keep up with training." as long as I planned it correctly I knew that I would be able to handle everything especially since Slytherin didn't have another game for at least a month I would be able to dial back on the training for a week or two.

We all turn to the door way when we hear a commotion and dad moved the divider out of the way when Minnie puts the last pin in place.

Poppy walks with with Professor Flitwick. The charms master was levitating the body of a first year Gryffindor behind him. Colin Creevey had been found petrified on a set of stairs near the kitchen, with a bundle of grapes in hand.

Queen Of The Basilisk (M.O.M Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now