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Since Minnie came to see me at 6am we were lucky the Flitwick had found Colin before another student had. Leon was still sleeping so I use magic to place my clothes on my body before moving to stand next to dad. I leaned against his side slightly and he gave me a side hug while we watched as Dumbledore open Colin's Camera. A small cloud of greyish smoke left the camera to reveal the insides were melted. 

Once again I felt bad that this had to happen but I couldn't risk changing too much. I knew I was already changing quite a bit by getting Sirius freed before summer. I still had to talk to the twins about the map for that plan to work. 

Poppy gasped "Its melted. How an earth would that have happened?" The professors all look to one another but no one can figure it out. When I showed dad the Library I didn't tell him about it being apart of the Chamber so he still doesn't know that I have anything to do with everything that's going on. He had met Nimue but just assumed she was a random snake that I had found and bonded with. 

"Albus we must figure out how this is happening. I do not want any more of my students hurt. I want to know who is doing this" Minnie spoke up from behind me and I could see in her eyes that it hurt her to see one of he 'little lion cubs' in any kind of pain. She was always protective of her charges. 

"It is not a who but a how" Dumbledork knew exactly what was causing this and yet refused to say anything apart from his usual vague answers and backwards riddles. I hold back the desire to roll my eyes and simply snuggle into my fathers side. I was proud of how far he had come when physical affection was involved but he was becoming more and more accustomed to being hugged and giving in to my need to be randomly cuddled. Even if he didn't show it to everyone else I knew that he was loving it. 

Dad casts a time spell after everyone leaves. It was not 7:30 meaning breakfast was going to be served soon. Sighing I pull away from his warmth and go back over to Leon, I gently shake him awake since I still had to go to the chamber to collect Astara and Nimue. The two reptiles were adorable together and I wouldn't be surprised if they became mated. 

"I guess I will see you at meal times. I'm going to have breakfast in the DADA room so I can lesson plan. That okay with you? "

Dad nods and kisses my head before leaving. Leon finally wakes up and I help him get changed since he's half asleep. While I was dressing him I called Bipsy in and told her to bring breakfast for the both of us to the class.

Once Leon was in dressed in his green button up shirt, black dress pants with matching converse and a silver waistcoat with green swirls. I place his black cloak over to top to keep him warm. I couldn't help but coo over how adorable he looked.

Since he was still half asleep I decide to carry him, to which he took as an invitation to fall asleep on my shoulder as he snores softly.

I smile as I gently set him down on the bed I had transfigured in Lockhart's office. I also cast a quick charm to silence his magnitude of portrait and make them invisible so I don't have to look at them.

The moment I sit down at the desk Bipsy comes in with a tray. The tray consisted of four croissants and two bowls of fruit as well as a glass of orange juice each. I thank her and eat my portion and let Leon sleep for a little longer.

By the time class starts Leon is more awake then ever and I managed to crest a rough plan for the next week of classes. I would crest some more in depth notes for when Lockhart comes back, not that he would use them anyway.

Leon joins me for the lesson and since it was with the 4th year gryffindors and Slytherin he immediately ran over to the twins and George knelt down picked him up, swinginh him into the air. Leon's giggles makes everyone smile, even the slytherin although they tried to hide it after realising what they had done.

"How come your teaching us little dove?"

"Lockhart will be in the infirmary for the rest of the week and since there is no one else that can cover his lessons 8 have been asked to." I turn to the whole class once they are all here and quickly stop them before they can take anything out of their bags.

" You will only be needing your wands for today's lesson. I also want all of you out of your seats, take you bag with you and stand at the back of the class" some of the student do whtt I ask straight away while a few other simply stay where they are until I urge them to move.

When they are all at the back to the class I wave my hand and transfigure the tables into 4 dueling platforms with a number on each. I do the same with the teachers desk behind me so I could do demonstrations.

"Right each place your bag down somewhere. I am going to give you a number between 1 and 8 and your going to group up with those who have the same number as you. I will also not have any house rivalry in this room. Leave your problems at the door." I point to each student and give them their assigned number.

Once they are all numbered they all move to be with their groups and I can't help but smirk at the resemblance the hold to a group of penguins in this moment.

I jump onto the platform behind me and transfigure a spare chair into a practice dummy.

"Everyone play close attention. I will be teaching you the most basic spells that you should know by now. The reason I'm going this is because we haven't had the bed teachers so far and I don't even want to think about what they were like for your first and second years."

I go on to show multiple spells and the correct wand movement as well and pronunciation. After 15 minuets I have do the spells themselves.

"Groups 1 and 2 your at platform 1.
Groups 3 and 4, platform 2
Groups 5 and 6, platform 3
Groups 7 and 8, plafrom 4. Each group will go against the other in a duel. You are to only counter each others spell. No harming or maiming. Disarm only.
Groups with an odd number you will be defence everyone else you will be offence. You will rotate this next lesson."

By the end of the lesson everyone looked a little tiered but happy none the less as they talked happily about what they had learnt. Only one person had to be take the the medical wing since they had sprained their wrist. Leon had also spent the lesson going to each platform to watch and would clapp excitedlt everytime someone would hit the ground.

I kept the lesson the same for each year and by lunch everyone had realized they they would be actually dueling in my lesson they would become excited and not be able to sit still in their other classes.

Queen Of The Basilisk (M.O.M Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now