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It had been a few months since Christmas. Hagrid had been cleared on all charges and was currently working on studying for his OWL's and NEWT's. When the school had found out after the holidays he had received a standing ovation. 

As usual Siren came into my room every morning for me to do her hair before skipping away to her friends. We hadn't spend much time together since we had first met since she was busy making new friends, but I did help her with school work every now and then with the boys helping on a few occasions. She did like hanging out with Neville the most and had developed a crush on him that was adorable. Neville on the other hand didn't really notice since every time they hung out they would talk about plants, which ultimately took all of his attention. He would catch on eventually. 

Due to the attacks everyone was a little on edge. And unfortunately Lockhart was the one who decided everyone needed a moral boost. This meant that walking into the great hall on February 14th was an assault to the eyes.

The hall had been turned various shades of pink and red with paper hearts and glitter everywhere along with dwarfs dressed as cupid and hanging from the ceiling. In the centre of it all was Lockhart dressed in lucid pink robes. There was heart shaped confetti falling from the ceiling as well and covering peoples food and falling into their goblets. 

"Happy Valentines day. And I thank you for the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards. Yes, I take taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all - and it doesn't end there

Draco, who was sat to my left, muttered under his breath making me chuckle "They probably all from himself"

Lockhart claps his hands and a dozen or so Dwarfs came marching in looking ready to jump of a bridge. They were dressing in red and white with gold wings and carried harps. "My friendly, card carrying cupids! They well be roving around the school today and delivering your valentines! and the fun doesn't stop here! I'm sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a love potion! and while your at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I've ever met, the sly dog." 

I couldn't help but laugh when I met dad's eyes. He looked ready to tip poison into Lockhart's goblet while Flitwick covered his face with his hands and hid behind the flowers on the table as much as he could. 

I only sat down for 5 minutes before I had enough. The confetti wasn't even edible so it was a safety hazard if someone ended shocking on one. I stand up on the bench an lift my wand to the sky. Within seconds the confetti stops falling and the confetti covering everyone's plates. Everyone sighs in relief apart from Lockhart who looks disheartened and a few Hufflepuff's and first years that where either collecting the small hearts or trying to catch them. 

I get the Dwarfs off the ceiling and apologize for Lockhart's behaviour. They walk away thanking me. Not being able to handle all the pouting from the students, I bring the confetti back but change it so they were edible and flavoured but they would disappear and reappear in a bowl that where now scattered across the tables. This way they were still able to catch them and now no had so worry about them going into the food or drink. "Their chocolate covered strawberry flavour. Have fun!" I declare as I step back off the bench and finish eating my breakfast. A few of the professors gave me thank full looks and I shrug.

I transfigure two pieces of bacon into mice and give them to Astara and Nimue who happily eat them on the floor. As usual Leon was at the teachers table, this time he was sat with Minnie. She always got him to eat with much more success then dad. 

I was looking forward to classes as it would allow me to escape all of the pink. I was wrong. I was so very very wrong. 

I had received 5 singing messages from different people that I didn't know before lunch, even when you tried to run from them they would simply run after you while singing. It had gotten to the point where I would threaten them but even that didn't do anything. The twins sent me the first one which I will admit made me blush as they had seemingly appeared out of no where and kissed my cheeks before asking me to be their valentine. When I hesitated they told me it was just as friends. I could see that it hurt them to add that last part but I only hesitated because I was unsure if they meant romantically or platonically. While they were twins and shared everything that didn't automatically mean they were willing to share the same girl. That was not a conversation I wanted to have with them just yet. Maybe next year when I was no longer seen as a child.

When I sit down for lunch 3 Dwarfs come over and open their mouths to sing. "Don't you dare. I swear I will kill you" I point my wand at them with a dark look in my eyes, they shake in fear but they hand me the note to let me know who its from and I was shocked to find it was from Ginny, before they sing anyway making me bash my head on the table. 

Her hair is as dark as a blackboard.

I wish she was mine, she's really divine,

The hero who conquered the dark lord. 

 I cast a silence charm on the Dwarfs, not wanting to hear the rest and sigh in relief before hitting my head on the table a few more times I would have continued but I feel a small hand place itself on the table catching my forehead. I look up and see the giggling red head next to me. Smiling I pull Siren into a hug and kiss the top of her head. "Thanks little sis." 

She giggles again before kiss my cheek and crawling under the table only to pop up on the other side and sat next to Neville at the Gryffindor table. My brother decided to sit with his Lion friends today and since I didn't want to have to deal with Ron I stayed at the Slytherin table. Mandy and Susan were in the library studying and the twins were off pranking. Meaning I was stuck with my Slytherin boys. 

Astara and Nimue hiss out laughs from their spot on my lap and I look down at them. Nimue was sat on top of Astara's head making me smile at the adorable sight. ~you didn't think to do that earlier~ I knew Nimue was talking about the silencing spell. ~I'm sorry. I forgot the spell existed~ 

I give them a sheepish look and they both roll their eyes before Astara comments ~This is why your not a Ravenclaw~

I give her an offended look ~are you calling me stupid?~

~If she won't I will~ The pure sass in Nimue's voice makes me roll my eyes and drink out of my goblet in an attempt to hide my smile. The two reptiles had been spending a lot of time together and they were an adorable couple but Nimue had started becoming as sassy as Astara. 

The two simply chuckle together before nuzzling their noses and Nimue falls asleep. I put a warming charm on my skirt to keep them warm and soon Astara falls asleep as well. When I'm done eating I catch Ginny's attention and wave her over. She shyly gets up and sits down opposite me. I place a silencing spell around us as well as a notice-me-not charm. 

"I am very flattered Gin. But I already have my heart on someone else. You really are an amazing girl but I think you would be better in a relationship it with was a certain white haired Ravenclaw that I know you have been eyeing" When I started speaking Ginny turned sad before she blushed heavily at the mention of Luna. 

"That's okay, thanks for being nice about it. How did you know about Luna?" I don't answer instead I smirk at tap the side of my nose before lifting my sleeping familiars onto my shoulders and leave her be. Leon meets me at the door looking mischievous. I eye him warily and was about to question what he was up to when I suddenly hear a bang followed by a feminine scream and then a familiar laughter. "You helping the twins again Cub?" He nods as he almost falls over from laughing. Sighing I pick him up and carry him as he continues laughing. 

I walk along the corridor and laugh loudly. The twins take on a look of pride when I see their creation. Turns out the girly scream was Lockhart. The ken-doll-wanna-be was cover head to toe in a bright pink substance that seemed to be sicking him to the floor. The best part. Minnie appeared around the corner making the twins stop laughing, but one look at who the victim was she made a zipping motion over her mouth before giving us a small smile and turning to walk the other way. I wink to the twins before going to the dungeons for my Potions lesson.


Reading through I realised I added in Siren for one chapter and then completely forgot about her so when I eventually edit this book I add her in more. 

Mischief managed.

Livvy xoxo

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