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   Sam's POV

I'd been feeling bad for a couple days now. I didn't give much thought to it at first though. We'd just came off tour, and I honestly believed it was nothing more than a cold. I hid it from the others, no sense in making them worry over a cold.

However, tonight my cold had taken a turn for the worst and I was beginning to feel even worse now.

Cameron made his way toward the couch I was currently laying on and raised an eyebrow as he looked down at me. "Baby?" He began, touching his hand to my forehead "Sam you're burning up! Are you okay?"

I shook my head, swallowing hard "no." I said simply, reaching for the trash can that happened to be next to the couch.

I emptied the contents of my stomach into the can, and sat up slowly, suddenly finding it a little more difficult to breath.

A look of panic spread across Cameron's features as he pulled me up, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Do we need to go to the hospital?" He asked.

I think he was half expecting me to say no, that with a little rest I would be fine.

I took in a shaky breath and nodded "we probably should" I said softly, trying my best to get my breathing under control.

I saw Cameron nod as he looked up at our brothers, who I could tell were all worried by now.

There were so many things running through my head then. All I wanted was for everything to be okay, them to give me some medicine, tell me to take it easy for a bout a week and then everything would be back to normal.

Cameron helped me up and wrapped an arm around my waist. He then turned to me and shook his head before kneeling slightly and picking me up, carrying me out to Danny's car.

I took in a shaky breath as I settled into the back seat,  cameron and James on either side of me. Ben and Danny in the front.

The ride to the hospital was pretty quiet, no one knew what to say. I think we were all thinking the same thing. This has the potential to be bad. Really bad. But none of us wanted to admit it. At least not now.

I was beginning to feel sick again and my head was starting to pound. I let my eyes slip closed and rest my head against Cameron's shoulder. Cameron grabbed my hand, laced our fingers together and have my hand a squeeze.

I hated what this was doing to them.

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