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The car came to a stop in front of the emergency room, bringing me out of my thoughts. Cameron slid out of the car and hurried inside, coming back a few seconds later with a wheelchair.

He helped me in the chair and wheeled me inside. I was starting to feel worse by the second and felt as though I might pass out at any moment.

The nurse at the counter began asking us a million questions and I tried my best to answer as many as I could.

One nurse came toward me with a thermometer, sticking it under my tongue. After leaving it there for a few minutes she removed it, gasping slightly ""104.1" she announced.

"Alright. We need to take him back now." The other woman said as they began pushing me away.

"Don't go anywhere" she said. "We might have to test the four of you."

We nodded and took a seat in the four empty chairs in the waiting room.

Doctors are nurses were running around the hospital, in and out of patients rooms. I couldn't help but wonder if some of those patients were here for the same reason we were.

Wondered how many of them wouldn't make it home. Would Sam make it home? These were all questions we didn't have the answer too. All we could do was hope and pray that everything would work out.

"I can't stand this waiting" Cameron said as he jumped up, pacing back and forth in front of our chairs.

I took in a deep breath and nodded. None of us liked waiting. But, I would have rather had them take their time checking him out than to rush through something and miss something important.

There was a family off to the side that caught my eye. They were all huddled in the room, looking over a young girl who looked pretty beat up.

A doctor came in an closed the door behind him. Even though I couldn't hear what he was saying, I pretty much knew.

One of the women fell to her knees, screaming. One of the men who'd been standing behind her helped her back to her feet. I saw the doctor pat the woman on the shoulder and quietly slip out of the room.

I wondered how doctors were able to do that. How could you tell a family their loved one was gone? That there was nothing more they could do for them? I couldn't do it.

I sighed and rest my head against Danny's shoulder, sucking my bottom lip into my mouth.

"He's going to be okay." Danny said softly, trying to reassure all of us as he grabbed my hand.

Usually, I trusted everything Danny said. However, this was one time I wasn't so sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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