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Danny's P.O.V

We'd all pretty much passed out where we sat last night. All much to exhausted to move to our own rooms. Not like it hadn't happened a million times before.

I woke up before everyone that morning and somehow managed to untangle myself from my sleeping husband.

I opened the door to the back deck and stepped outside, sliding the door shut behind me.

The sun was starting to rise over the hills and I pulled my smokes out of my pocket and lit one of the thin sticks, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

We didn't have much food at the house, so we'd definitely have to make a grocery run at some point today.

We each had thousands of tweets asking us if we were okay and if we needed anything. I swear, our fans really are the best.

I sighed, I knew I had to let them know we were all okay.

'Hey AAfam!
Danny here. I'm sure you've all know what's going on in the world right now. Crazy, right? We were on a bus, fixing to head out to another state when we got the news. They'd cancelled the tour until further notice. We were to go home and try to ride it out. Well, we all ended up at Ben and my house and this is where we plan on staying.

Right now, everyone is healthy and doing great. We're just tired from being on the road. The others are still sleeping now. I knew one of us needed to update you, so I decided I would go ahead and do it.

I know this is a scary thing we are all going through, but I promise you, we will get through it. We'll get through it and sooner or later we will be back out on the road, back to playing shows for all you!

But, until then please everyone stay safe!
We love you all


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