It Was Never Meant To Be

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"Tommy! Come On!"
Wilbur yelled. Your vision blurred into purple sparkles. The Nether had been rough and the last thing of it you had seen was Tommy running from a withered skeleton, lava falls in the back.

When you refocused the jungle stood before you. A building made of the jungle wood towered before you. Fundy came through the portal next to you. The building rumbled. Explosions.
You shouted already running into the burning building. A beam fell and nearly cracked open your skull. Thankfully Fundy had pulled you out of the way just in time.

The fire felt like it was melting your skin. You searched the building with Fundy desperate to find Tubbo. You heard voices in front of you. You stepped forward, slowly avoiding the flames and burning wood. Through the heat waves you could see three figures. They glowed from magic and from the flames. One of them stood with their back to you. A bandana stuck out of the helmet. Sapnap.

Again you moved forward. You glimpsed a figure curled up on the floor. A plank crashed in front of you. You nearly screamed. You bit your tongue. Tubbo must be on the floor. What if he's already dead?
You shook your head and stood up. You jumped over the plank in front of you and without hesitation you rammed into Sapnap. You felt your shoulder snap. Dammit.
You knew that feeling. Dislocated shoulder. Sapnap fell to the ground and the trio were surprised by your sudden intrudement.

Before they could move you swatted the remaining two with your wings. You used such force that they were both swung back, hitting the opposite walls. You pushed your shoulder back into place with an ear piercing scream. You scooped up Tubbo in your arms. He was heavy but you were determined to get him out of here. You hadn't even checked if he was... well alive. Fundy saw you leaving and came up to you. He took Tubbo from you and they ran into the portal. Wilbur and Tommy were on the other side fighting the withered corpses and molten lava monsters. Blazes.

Wilbur glanced back and saw Tubbo's limp body in Fundy's arms.
"Mind helping us?!"
Tommy shouted back, earning Y/N at his side who struck your weapon into the monsters head. They attacked with such venom, such desperation that eventually all that was left before L'manbergs people were bones and rods. They started running down the fortresses' hallways when they heard voices coming from behind. Sure enough the Dream Team had come through the lilac portal.

You shouted to your friends and they all scrambled to the other portal which would lead to near the embassy. It was there that they were supposed to meet for the battle to take place. But of course that had changed. They jumped into the portal. They came out near the tower and Fundy immediately started running for L'manberg, Tubbo still in his arms.
"KEEP THEM BUSY. I'M GOING TO TRY AND TREAT HIM!" the fox eared man said as he dissappeared into the forest.

The siblings and Eret turned to the portal, unstrapping their weapons. But no one came through. No hoodie of green, no clout glasses and no little fire shirt. They grew nervous and Wilbur shot a worried glance to her. You looked back at him with equal worry. Then you heard a sharp whish of the air behind you and quickly lifted your shield up. Not a second later, an arrow head bashed into the shield. They looked up at Tommy's Power Tower.
Of course, there was a portal up there too. The Dream Team ,with Punz now with them ,shot arrows down at the L'manberg citizens. Tommy and Wilbur tried desperately to fire back but the downpour of arrows was far too great.
"Quick! Everyone into the sewer!"
Tommy yelled.
Nope. Nuh uh.
"The sewer?! Are you crazy?" You yelled back retreating to the destroyed embassy.
"Not that I know of!"
Your little brother replied. One by one they all hopped down the ladder and into the sewer.

Wilbur had a slice in his shoulder. Tommy had a slash over his nose and Eret was bleeding from his hand. You bandaged Wilbur's shoulder up, it earned  a kiss on the forehead which you appreciated. You may have fought with Wilbur these past few days but you would give your world for him nevertheless. You put a plaster over Tommy's nose and he hugged you. They had nearly died. Lastly you helped Eret with his hand. He nodded in appreciation, you shrugged. You didn't trust him. Something was off.

"We have to take the second right and then we should be under L'manberg in 10 minutes. Hopefully that's enough ti-"
Tommy was interrupted by his older brother. Wilbur fixed his glasses and looked to the people in front of him.
"Are we cowards?
Are we going to run home with our tails between our legs?
Revolution or nothing."
Wilbur shouted with such passion, You were moved. Y/N stood and put a hand on his shoulder. "Independence or death."
You replied. Eret and Tommy replied in the same manner. Together they all returned to the surface, a new motivation in their fibers. You spread your wings but no one was at the tower. You saw the Dream Team in the distance ,running away.

You returned down to her friends. "They've gone." You said coldly. You had grown rather excited to see bloodshed. Nothing bonds like bloodlust. Wilbur and Tommy cheered and Eret smiled. You chuckled "Alright alright. Don't get your panties in a twist. Just because they've retreated doesn't mean they won't be back."
Eret nodded.
"Y/N is right. Let us return to L'manberg. I have something I want to show you all. A project of mine." He said. The siblings agreed and returned home.

As they entered L'manberg's walls Tommy ran to the van as did Y/N. Tubbo was just sitting up ,Fundy helping him.
"Big T! Thank gods you're alright!"
Tommy exclaimed,so glad to his friend safe. Tubbo chuckled.
"Hey big T."
You said and smiled at the teenager. He smiled back. "Thank you for rescuing me Y/N."
He said.
"Don't mention it."
Wilbur came into the van.
"Good to see you Tubbo. Come now ,Eret has something to show us."
The beanie man said. They each left the van, Tubbo limping and everyone else quite bruised in their own way. You tensed and grabbed a vial before leaving the van yourself.

"So I must admit that I have kept this a secret and for that I apologize. I recently have been secretly grinding and saving resources for L'manberg for a time such as this one. Pls follow me."
Eret announced. He opened a patch of ground beneath him and everyone went down the stairs.You were one of the last to go down and drank the vial of Strength you had slipped in. Finally Eret walked into the room. Black stone covered the walls and chests with names attached to them scattered the room. It was called 'The Control Room'.Everyone cheered and went to their chests. You opened yours. Nothing was in it.
"Hey Eret?"
Tubbo said.

"It was never meant to be."

You turned to the man in sunglasses just in time to see him place a button.
"WAIT!" You shouted but it was too late. A wall split open to reveal the Dream Team waiting for them. Like lambs to the slaughter.
You heard your friends scream in the chaos.

A purple axe swung at your head. You unsheathed AshMaker just in time to deflect it. Dream's hand was attached to that axe. You shouted as you swung again again and again. They fought with such speed and agility it was like a battle between gods. You twisted and weaved. He parried and swung. But he was bigger and you had wings. You leaped up and brought your leg straight down on Dream's being. He was thrown onto the ground and you held the tip of AshMaker to his throat. His breathing faltered. You smiled.
"Not high and mighty now are we Dream?"
A sword behind you swung in your direction and made you lose focus. Dream took the opportunity and kicked your feet from under you. You fell and hit the ground with a thud. You could see Wilbur and Fundy on the floor, Tommy in a pool of blood and Tubbo on his knees ,tears rolling down his cheeks.

The Dream Team gathered at the entrance and You watched. Eret followed them. You screamed out ,rage bubbled your every fiber. Every nerve alit with fury.

You stood and swayed. You extended your wings so that they reached from one edge of the room to the other. It made you look bigger, dangerous. You had blood dripping from your mouth and you smiled.

"Eret. Next time I see you ...I swear by my mother's grave ...I'll boil your teeth and feed each and every one to you."

Then you blacked out, crumpling to the floor in pain.

🤡 well... hectic things. I hope that this very long and eventful chapter made you guys happy. Please vote it as it is ,so far, my best chapter personally. Anyway I will see you ...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

From Dream:💚     From Sapnap:🧡     From George:💙

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