His Betrayal

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Technoblade raced after Tommy, his eyes filled with blood lust.
No no no.
This was all wrong.
You started getting up, then a grumble from beside you made you freeze. A drunk and burnt Schlatt lay there groaning.
This was his fault.

He started to come conscious, he looked at you. A smile plastered on his face. Blood dripping from his head.
"I should have known that Dream's princess would be attending today's events."
He said mockingly.
"Oh honey... I'm no princess."
You spat.

He chuckled.
"Yes I should have known you look familiar. What was her name again? Kirtley? Karlie? Beautiful lady but of course having a family... as the royal's assassin was a punishment by law... death."
He groggily said. Hatred built up within you.

"My mother's name was Kristin. Don't ever speak her name. So you must be from the Northwest region? Yes I've been there. Spoke to the king, the scumbag, who had my mother executed."
You towered over the man and brought your face down to his. His demeanour started to crack, fear enveloping his eyes.


"I did a little project there. You see..I am the entity that killed that entire city in a week. I bet you know about that one."
You grabbed his left horn and snapped. He shrieked an inhumane howl. You picked it up, stashing it away in your quiver of arrows. You bent down to his face.

"I am the person who burnt all your forests, killed all your livestock, left you to starve."
You stood back up and picked up your weapons. Y/N carelessly played with NightBane. Schlatt watched you in terror.
"Y-you're... you can't be. That was the work of demons. No one man could kill a nation like that...  not with the little time it took..."
he stuttered. You smirked, something about seeing his fear made you smile even more.

"Yes.  But I am no man...I am the Queen of Chaos."
You swung your axe down and sliced right through his throat.
His head rolled.

Hannah POV

"Why? Why would you kill him? Sure he had beaten your brothers...but killing him?"
I asked my patient. She simply snorted.
"You wouldn't care."
Y/N said as she sat on her bed and ate her chicken.
I swivelled my chair to see Y/N.
"Of course I want to know why."
I said.

Y/N popped a grape in her mouth
"The NorthWestern region were the people who killed my mother. My mother worked for his king, once she had Tommy the king found out that his best assassin had a weakness, a family. So he had her executed . That bloody 'king' killed my mother! His best assassin! In cold blood."
She said unfazed. My shoulders dropped. So that was her reason.

"So I spent the first two years after I left my father's home burning down that foul place. Killed every pompous brat that ruled there. Played them like cards in a deck. Till not one person lived. "
Y/N was extreme, of course she was. Yet the more I read the more I started to understand that Y/N was just broken.

"All for one person?"
"A Nation... for my mother."
I turned back to the notebook and kept reading.


You lit an arrow and sent it into the body so it would burn away. Tubbo had slipped away when the chaos started.
You started sprinting.
Your wings were still screaming. You could feel that they were missing many feathers. The pain was blurring your vision.

You shoved past everyone you could. You saw a group of guards running after Tommy. You whipped out your bow and shot two in the back. You rounded a corner and you saw Techno, aiming his firework at Tubbo.

"I did not spend weeks! Planning this revolution! Giving you guys gear for you to go in and replace one tyrant with another! Schlatt is dead! Why build another government? Why have democracy when all it does is corrupt!"
The man in the pig mask shouted to the crowd before him.

You shouted to Tommy who was standing with... with all Lmanberg's governors.
"Tommy... what are you doing? Why are you... why are you with them?"
You asked. Your little brother shook his head.
"You betrayed me Y/N."

"You chose Dream over me! Chose Wilbur over me! I was never going to follow your bloody plan and destroy L'manberg. My home. You and your relationship with Dream. Techno and his bloodlust. Wilbur was going insane! Why would you support him?!"

He started to cry. You could feel tears pricking at your eyes. Blood was pumping through your ears. Your wings felt like they were being constantly pricked by needles.Tommy wiped his face.

"Over your own family?!"
You shouted back.
"Over your own blood? After everything that Wilbur and I have done for you?"
You felt your tears spill. Your voice cracking.
"WE are not the traitors Tommy! You are! You... you betrayed us! Betrayed me."

You felt yourself breaking down. You let your tears spill. You wiped them roughly.
"Very well... I'll be the bad guy."

Then you did what Tubbo hadn't. Despite your vision slightly blurring. Despite your wings shaking in pain. Despite your brother breaking your heart.

You sent a green firework into the air.

Tommy shouted.
The signal.

While they were distracted Tubbo smashed down on Technoblade's arm and grabbed his firework.
You started running and you swung AshMaker at Tubbo who was about to pull the pin. Techno whipped around and started to battle with Fundy, Quackity, Nihachu.

You chugged a red vial and started beating down on Tommy's shield. The pain in your wings subsided as the potion took effect.You threw AshMaker straight into Jack's leg as he was charging you. He howled in pain. You unhitched NightBane and smashed Tommy's shield to pieces.

Tubbo drew his sword and clashed you. You slammed him into a wall with your wing. You felt a crack ride through you. You picked NightBane above your head. But as you wanted to swing,

To end him.
End your pathetic brother.
Kill that traitor,
a rumbling sounded all through L'manberg.


WE ARE BACK! WE ARE BACK AND IN BLACK! (Quite literally I'm wearing all black rn🥴)  helllooo my birdies! The chapter is hectic and hurting and heart wrenching! (at least I hope so) . Please vote and comment! Thank you so so much for all the reads like holy hell😳 I will see you...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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