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(Bolded text is the interviewer btw)

INTERVIEW(Bolded text is the interviewer btw)

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Well, welcome. It's nice to finally meet you!

It's great to meet you guys too!

How are you doing right now?

I'm doing phenomenal, thank you for asking me. How are you?

I'm interviewing you so, I'm feeling great. I think a question everyone has been wanting to know, is how did you land this role?

In all honesty, I don't even know. I still feel like this is all a dream. My manager just came up to me one day and told me that the Russo's wanted me to do a quick screen test and then this all happened.

So did your manager know them personally?

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I was told that Anthony (Russo) had seen one of my previous films and thought I was good for the role.

Well I think we've all seen your previous films, and I have got to say. The Russo brothers didn't make a wrong choice in choosing you!

Aw, thank you so much that means a lot to me!

Your welcome! Speaking of the new Marvel movie, can you tell us anything about your character? Any hints?

Currently, no. I can't give out anything about my character. Marvel wants it to be a surprise once the actual film releases.

That's a bummer.

Yeah, but all I can say is that she's a badass.

Well that's nice to know! Anyways, everyone knows that the cast of Infinity War is super familiar with each other due to them filming previous movies together. How was it like meeting everyone, and how did it feel to kind of be the "newbie" of the group?

Well, everyone has been super nice to me. Making me feel at home, so it didn't take long for me to "fit in" with everyone. It also helped that I already knew Sebastian (Stan) and Tom (Holland), so I at least had some people I knew on the first day of filming. But I just have to say, I was a nervous wreck meeting everyone. My family is a pretty big fan of Marvel so to actually meet the amazing actors and actresses from the films, and not to mention being in one is just a dream come true!

That must've been amazing. Since we're on the topic of the Marvel cast, have you gotten close to any of your fellow cast members?

Obviously Tom (Holland) and Sebastian (Stan). But other than those two, I have become close to a lot of people. I think I've made a pretty good bond with everyone on set but if we're speaking of becoming super close friends... You're talking about that right?

Yeah. Who have you been hanging out with the most out of the cast?

Oh, definitely Elizabeth (Olsen). I'm pretty positive we hang out everyday. I remember the first time I met her, I tried not freaking out because I was meeting the Elizabeth Olsen! But, yeah. After hanging out a couple of times we pretty much became best friends.

Just best friends? Fans have been speculating that there's something else going between the two of you.

Nope. Just friends.

So you must've already seen your costume, is that right?

Actually, no. I haven't seen the main costume I'm supposed to be wearing since I've been given tons of different costumes so far.

Are you worried about it being too scandalous?

Not at all. I've seen Elizabeth's (Olsen) and Scarlett's (Johansson) costumes from the past Marvel movies, and they are pretty decent. So I'm not worried about mine, I trust the Russo's and what they choose to do for my costume.

Well, we are running short on time. So, I have one last question for you. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard that filming would be going on for the next eight months. How are you going to spend your time, between filming?

Yes, we are going to be filming for the next eight months, Of course unless something happens, but eight months is the planned time. And I think for my own time between filming, I'm just going out and exploring. Probably hanging out with the cast, eating at restaurants. See all the things you can in Atlanta!

That's great to hear! Well, thank you so much Avery for joining us here, and we hope to see you soon.

Thank you for having me!

Everyone make sure to go and check out Avery King in Marvel's new film, Infinity War coming to theatres next year!


Get ready for a butt-load more updates!! I have a long weekend off so I'm going to be updating a lot!

Yeah, just wanted to tell y'all that. See you in the next chapter lovelies!!

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