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miss king:
okay bitches!
we. are. having. a. game. night. in. celebration. of. filming. almost. being. done.

im down!

weiner soldier:
who's house tho?

miss king:
downey?? 😏😏

toenail stank:
alright! fine!
my house saturday night people!


america's ass:
ready to lose avery?

miss king:
speak for yourself asshole

spider mama:
okay! we dont need to start a riot you two

miss king:
sorry MOM

spider mama:
ew dont call me that i already have one child and your just making me feel more old

miss king:
oops sorry!

do we have to bring anything?

toenail stank:
you guys dont need to bring anything!
i already have a bunch of games and i'll handle the food and drinks

miss king:
and that is exactly why your my favourite robert!

scarlet bitch:

miss king:
AFTER lizzie

toenail stank:
suck up

miss king:
lol shut up
i am not a suck up

scarlet bitch:
sure you aren't babe

alright, im ready to get drunk!

mackie, chill.
it's wednesday and game night is on saturday

that sucks

miss king:
sorry that we have jobs to do anthony!

yeah yeah

god of thunder:
y'all are going down!

says you

miss king:
im sorry to say this, hemsworth but you absolutely suck at game night

god of thunder:
i dont even know how to respond to that.

scarlet bitch:
can everyone stop texting now?


scarlet bitch:
this is the one long break avery and i have for the whole day and i wanna spend it with my girlfriend and i cant if all her attention is on her phone!

toenail stank:
you guys heard the lady!

america's ass:
alright, i'll see you guys later

yeah, have fun lovebirds!
but not too much fun 😏

miss king:
get your head out of the gutter

spider mama:
bruh you and avery are cute
stop it!

scarlet bitch:

miss king:
i can see lizzie glaring at me from the couch so ima go now!

weiner soldier:

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