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averyking: y'all have an hour to ask me anything! starting now!!
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user1: who's your fav cast member?

averyking: definitely scarlett no hesitation there

user1: damn i thought u were finna say lizzie...

user2: how is it like to be part of the MCU family?

averyking: im going to be honest, it's chaotic as hell. theres always something interesting to talk abt

user3: do you like anyone rn?

averyking: that's for me to know and you to find out 😉

user3: omg it better be lizzie!

user4: do u do ur own stunts on set?

averyking: i try to do as much as i can but i get scared easily so...
but my stunt double, Emily does an amazing job!

sebastianstan: who is your favourite character??

averyking: oh god. anyone but bucky

sebastianstan: hey!

chrisevans: what is one thing you like about chris evans?

averyking: nothing. but i do LOVE dodger!

chrisevans: even tho that was mean i'll take it

averyking: good cuz thats the only "compliment" ur getting from me lol

anthonymackie: post a picture of me!

averyking: i'd rather not hurt everyone's eyes thank you very much.

user5: can you tell us abt your character?

averyking: no can do!

user6: when is your next avengers party with the cast?

averyking: on friday!!

sebastianstan: im excited to get drunk

averyking: lol im ready to just party!

user7: who is garrett to you?

averyking: my best friend. he's had that title since we were little! (nothing else other than best friend)

user7: phew #teamlizzie

user8: any tips for a first acting audition?

averyking: just be yourself! they aren't looking for an actor/actress that's trying to hard to be like everyone else so just be yourself and you'll be fine! goodluck on the audition btw!!

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