Arcade cheater

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Kyo: Hi guys this is a chatroom

Iori: We are aware of that Kyo

Kyo: aaaanyway, has anyone seen Ash?

Ash: I'm here

Elisabeth: Ash I need your help

Ash: cOmInG mOm

*Ash is offline
*Elisabeth is offline

30 minutes later

Leona: Iori do you still want to meet up?

Iori: I'm getting changed!

Leona: Aight

Athena: Kyo do you want to go to the arcade since Iori is leaving?

Kyo: Who is coming?

Athena: Me, Kula, Kensou and Beni

Kyo: Yeah sure

Athena: OK

Whip: Can me, Ralf and Clark come?

Ralf: Yeah Whippy is desperate to go.

Kula: Sorry Athena, I can't come, me and K' are playing Indoor Soccer.

Ash: Don't you mean Football?

K': Soccer

Elisabeth: I'm pretty sure it's Football

Kula: You know what I mean.

Athena: That's ok, anyone else?

Kyo: Maybe Terry wants to go

Terry: Nope, Terry only plays Basketball

Mary: Terry, why are you referring to yourself in the 3rd person?

Rock: NERD!

Mary: ...

Terry: I've been watching B99 alot.

Mary: OK

Kensou: I'll call the Kanes.

Billy: I'm not going

Lilly: Come on big bro!

Billy: ugh fine

2 hours later

Kyo: I won, you guys lost lol

Benimaru: you only won because you cheated.

Kensou: I agree

Athena: Same

Billy: I didn't see it

Lilly: Neither did I.

Iori: Wat u talking about?

Kyo: Arcade. I won, they lost.

At midnight

Ash: It's 1902

Elisabeth: A Young man by the name of Benito Mussolini moves from Italy to Switzerland to avoid military service

Kyo: He gets big into Socialism, working for trade unions, writing for socialist newspapers, advocating a violent overthrow of European monarchies, the whole shabang

Athena: This gets him in a bit of trouble with the Swiss police

Kensou: So he gets arrested, sent back to Italy, set free, returns to Switzerland, is arrested AGAIN, sent back to Italy AGAIN, completes his military service after previously avoiding it.

Terry: And then after a brief stint as an elementary school teacher, finally returns to work as an avid socialist.

Iori: Guys, it's midnight, what are you doing.

Ash: me and Betty were watching Oversimplified

Leona: you wanna know something, you guys suck

Elisabeth: another reference!

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