Halloween Heist

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(I'm a B99 fan if you couldn't tell so that's why)

Chris: This year we will be hosting Halloween at the CYS compound because tomorrow is the night for an event called the Halloween...

Terry: Heist. Well I can't go, I'm on a trip with Rock and Mary

Ash: ok, Sweet see you then.

1 night later
(From here there will also be the name of who or what they are wearing as their costume)

Hulk Yashiro: The way this works is, there will be a diamond watch in the Custody zone and there will be teams of 4, whoever has the watch by Sunrise wins.

Catwoman Shermie: Captains tonight will be: Darby Allin Ash and Black Widow Leona as Ash is the youngest, he chooses first.

Darby Allin Ash: I pick Macaw Iori

Black Widow Leona: You sick son of a bitch, fine, I pick Hardy Elisabeth

Darby Allin Ash: Man... ok I choose Edward Kenway Kyo

Black Widow Leona: I pick Catwoman Shermie

Darby Allin Ash: I pick Justin Bieber Chris

Black Widow Leona: I pick Hulk Yashiro

Darby Allin Ash: I pick Pumpkin Kula

Black Widow Leona: I pick Bold Eagle K'

(A few hours later)

Leona: Ash how did you do it?

Ash: It was easy, I sent Kula to distract K' and handcuffed Elisabeth to a fence, then I had Chris fake a medical emergency, attracting Shermie and Yashiro into the room, Iori pretended to go berserk and take you out, when that happened, Kyo retrieved the watch, putting it in his pocket, I told everyone he had the Watch and you guys started to get out of control, I shouted angrily towards you and got knocked out by being pulled up by a rope and dropped, you guys got me to the hospital but Kyo dropped the watch, exactly as I planned. That gave room for Shen and Duo Lon to follow us to the hospital, where they gave me the watch, and it was also them who knocked me out. They gave it to me at the bed discreetly by midnight.

Leona: Well that was crazy

K': Same day next year?

Elisabeth: Hell Yeah!

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