eight ➳ origins part one☑️

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Historia played with her fingers nervously as Liberty drove down a long straight road. As the pair passed through the gateway behind The Headmistress' estate Liberty told her the true intentions of this 'date'. She explained that she was returning Historia to her sister so that she could get more answers than last time. However, Liberty did insist on stopping for anything the redhead wanted to eat along the way.

Historia never really knew how to react to people who were willing to spend any amount of money on her and so Historia decided to urge Liberty to only stop at a drive-through McDonalds. It was the cheapest option the girl could think of on such short notice.

"You really didn't have to worry about the money love. Our mother owns a school and about a million other businesses," Liberty reassured the girl as she pulled into the drive-through and began the wait among the queue of cars.

"She does?"

"It would be foolish of her not to. She has the smarts and the power. Plus, most supernatural creatures are in places of great power, so she thought she'd join the trend."

"Doesn't that make them easy targets? What if people find out that they're not...normal?"

"There's a very slim chance that anyone in this day and age would believe that we still exist."

"I guess I'm proof of that," Historia chuckled nervously.

Liberty laughed, "Yeah, I guess you are." The vampire edged the car forwards as the queue moved up, "But it's not a bad thing. If we get loads of attention, we have to worry about hunters."


"Yeah hunters. The school was built to protect us from them; It's a haven for supernaturals, that's the reason it was created. You uh...you weren't told?"

"I was told a brief outline. I'm starting to notice that I've been thrown into the pattern of being left out of knowing important information," Historia huffed out in annoyance.

"I'll fill in the gaps." The car edged forward again, "The main purpose of the school is to keep as many supernaturals off the radar as possible. If we start attracting attention, then the whole reason we were forced into intense hiding will reappear. A hunter's purpose in life is to make sure supernaturals don't exist. According to The Creator, we upset the balance of nature and so we've been enemies for centuries."

"But that doesn't make sense. Surely, he's the reason why you all exist?"

"In a way yes but also no. Supernaturals came about from very weird reasons. But over time they formed a spectrum of pure good and pure evil. Most belong to Lucifer on the pure evil side for example me or Alexis. Witches have the privilege of choosing which side they are on."

"In that case my sister, I mean Kayla, is our enemy? She tried to hurt Alexis."

"In all due respect, wooden bullets laced with vervain were a bit of a pathetic on her part attempt to hurt Alexis. However, I don't think it was entirely her fault, she suspected we were normal vampires."

"I'm sorry, I'm still somewhat unfamiliar with all of the weaknesses..."

"No worries, I'd be happy to explain everything to you." Again, the car edged forward, " A regular vampire would have had trouble with those bullets as they're strongly weakened by the herb vervain. When Vivian cast the spell for immortals, nature had to balance it somehow."

"What does your mother have to do with this?"

"It's a long story, and Alexis might kill me if I tell you. They're not keen on being open, and the story of our origin starts with them."

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