thirty two ➳ the calm before the storm☑️

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The Creator paced back and forth, inspecting the clear walls of Richard's basement. The Dean, Elijah, Richard and his most trusted hunters stood on one side, leaving The Creator on the other accompanied by two archangels at his side.

"So, I'm to understand that you let our deal slip through the cracks to pursue your own goals?" He stopped pacing to look at The Dean who stared back at him with a straight face, "What made you think you had the right? I could snap my fingers right now and have each hunter guarding you rip your empty body to shreds. I made you. I made you all and you defy me!"

"You make all these threats, you speak of your power that could bring us to our knees, but you won't do anything. All because of how 'merciful' a god you are," Elijah rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, we've heard it from your brainwashed mortal subjects, give it a break," Liberty supported Elijah's point.

The Dean smiled slyly at the words of her subjects.

"My Lord, if you wanted me dead you would have done it when the archangels began descending, yet here I am. Aren't you supposed to have some overarching plan for everyone's life? Was this not in it? Or maybe the stories of your powers really are myths. Too bad now that Historia is gone, you'll never be able to prove me wrong." A smile slowly formed on Diane's face as she challenged him.

The Creator snapped then, his body flashed forward to where he grabbed and squeezed the neck of The Dean.

"You will take me to Historia," He spoke through gritted teeth, "then you will take me to the academy where I will rid the earth of the abominations I allowed to live for too long. If you defy me once more don't think for one second, I won't use my dying breath to curse you and all you surround yourself with. This time a stupid teenage scientist won't be able to save you."

Elijah couldn't help but grin at the chaos unfolding. The Dean knew how powerful a curse from The Creator could be, she had spent the first half of her life trying to learn how to control her powers and the second half trying to get rid of them.

This curse had consumed her, made her bitter and cold. She didn't want to think of another possibility, one that couldn't be cured.

The Dean nodded and The Creator let her go. The woman fell to her knees in front of The Creator.

"Exactly where you should be. Don't think I won't hesitate to show you all where you truly belong." The Creator finished, crossing his hands back behind him.

"How are our numbers?" The Dean asked Elijah as she massaged her throat.

"Richard seems to be having fun. Our army is at 10,000 and growing."

"Where do you keep them all?" The Creator asked.

"We don't, after we tested on Alexis and our results were encouraging, we straight away started with any desperate soul we could find regardless of if they could fight or not. We only needed a greater size. Historia's blood would give them the immortality and strength they need to survive the academy. Once they're injected, they are allowed to return to their pathetic lives until we call on them. As well as the blood, they all have trackers and Elijah has brainwashed them all with a mind control spell. From wherever they chose to be, at the moment we need them, they'll be here.

"I can't deny that this is a smart strategy."

The Creator, The Dean and Elijah continued to discuss further plans as others in the room stood idle, one person there however didn't belong. One amongst the crowd of hunters was a fake. A demon serving Lucifer had successfully eavesdropped on their conversation.

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