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After cancelling this book, I rethought that decision. If we do update this book, it's gonna be like every other month, not very often or on a reliable schedule. most of us are writers, and we need something to write currently. so, why not give people what they want. have fun with our newest chapter <3 -Popee, Kandi

wilburs pov

it had been a few hours since we played 21 questions. i learned a lot about y/n, and cipher really just repeated stuff we both already knew. no surprise there. now, we were in the kitchen, making lunch. y/n was helping me and cipher make something for us, while they insisted they would make something smaller for themself, claiming to have a small appetite.

(I literally have no idea how to cook anything other than pancakes im so sorry)

"oh my god, how childish can you two be?" y/n laughed at us, punching cipher in the arm as he continued to mix the batter.

"why are we making breakfast food anyways?

"cipher can't make anything else."

we all made very fluffy and sweet pancakes for an hour or two, eating in front of the TV as Cipher kept trying to push me closer to Y/n. it was nice with them, silent yet warm and comfortable. it felt like warm syrup from my childhood had filled my lungs.

when we all had finished, y/n offered to take the plates back up to the kitchen sink. me and cipher both obliged, handing over our plates as he stood and walked out of sight. he was very nice, he would make a nice addition to the band.

"So, what now?" I asked as y/n returned into the living room.

"Well, it's only 2. we could head downtown, where all those little shops are?" y/n proposed a rather nice idea. i turned over to cipher to watch him nod, and I nodded to y/n myself as well.

"Sounds fun, I haven't been out of town in quite a bit." My excitement came through my words. it wasn't that I was excited to go downtown, I was excited to go to a specific music store and see how well y/n could really play without cipher pushing him to.


Y/n's POV

Wilbur was in the front seat of the car, letting me and cipher sit in the back. he invited me to sit in the front, but I felt like that would be awkward. I knew cipher a lot more than I knew wil.

"What kind of music do you like, y/n?" Wil didn't take his eyes off the road as he questioned my music taste. I didn't really have an exact music taste. I like a little bit of everything, you know?

"Uhm, apple pie? By TSJ?" I was quiet when replying, I didn't want my music to be seen as weird by wil. I almost wished he hadn't heard it, and just brushed the question off like it never happened. of course, that's not how it played out.

"Uh, I don't know that one. ciph, can you look it up real quick on my phone? you know my password." wil really trusts cipher with his password? crazy much? I wouldn't trust cipher with my full name, let alone my password. not to say that as a bad thing, it's just cause the man is a little weasel.

"Gotcha." ciph quickly responded before snatching wils phone and looking for the song. I didn't want to look at wils password, so I looked out my window as cipher put it in. when I looked out my window, I was greeted with a beautiful sight.

lines and lines of tiny and adorable stores, all the decorations hand crafted and carefully put together. the sunlight was hitting all the windows just right, and the shadows made everything pop. the colors were vibrant and edging on neon. it felt like I was a kid loose in a playground again, surrounded by like-minded children and play places that I could play on for what felt like hours. it was so refreshing.

when I looked back, I heard the song I suggested start to play. wilbur had a weird look on his face once the first couple lines past. I guess he doesn't like it.

"we're almost there, just play something you like wil." I was staring out my window in embarrassment, and not the good kind. it kinda felt like a brick had been placed on my shoulder.

"no, it's fine y/n, I don't mind your music. it's alright." his words reassured me that there wasn't anything to be upset about. it's not like he was turning it off, so he must like it enough to endure it.

"do you guys see a place to park?"


haha cliff hanger
anyways, hi, I'm Popee from the Incision System. As some of you may know, your lovely authors here are a DID system. wilbur, your old author, isnt the host anymore unfortunately. so, ive taken on the role for him. however, that doesn't change that this is still our book! I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters!

i don't miss you - wilbur x male reader -DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now