Chapter 3

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Oddly enough Patroclus wasn't too surprised to see the god. He had seen him many years ago. He can still see the faint outline of his black eyes, looking at him from over the wall back in Troy. He could still see his ever-so-satisfied smile as their eyes locked. With the memory fresh in his mind, Patroclus stood still. He could hear himself breathing and faint voices, laughing. He squinted at the golden figure of Apollo, he looked much different.Patroclus, finally catching his breath, looked to the right for Achilles. He saw no one. Standing, he walked over to the group of people surrounding Apollo. He was hesitant to push himself through the small crowd."Apollo, why are you here?" he could hear himself ask quietly. The voices quieted down, and soon all eyes were on him.Apollo looked at him, something in his eyes the Patroclus never thought he'd seen guilt. Apollo just stared, his once bright smile now dimmed to a frown."Patroclus" was all he said. His voice sounded strained, and his eyes grew sad.From the left, Achilles walked up his face set and his eyes hard. He did not try to fight Apollo. He just swayed over to Patroclus's side until their hands met. "Achilles'' Apollo nodded. He sighed and paused. "I know... I know what I did to you guys. You guys have reason to accept my apologies, but for what it's worth I am sorry."Achilles' eyes were blank. He sighed and rubbed his face as if that would erase the years of memories. "I do not know what to say to you" Achilles' voice was firm but quiet.Apollo nodded, saying no more. He then turned towards the demi-gods, a weak attempt at a smile playing across his face. "Zeus told me I can come and assist you in your situation." he started."But I thought you can't do that anymore" interrupted Leo.Apollo glanced at him, "It's technically not a quest since no prophecy was issued and you guys are old enough to leave the camp without permission.""Oh cool this should be easy then," Percy said leaning back.Apollo rolled his eyes "there are restrictions of what I'm allowed to help you with"Percy sat back up "There's always a catch" he muttered. Before Apollo could agree, another person burst through the door. The group turned around quickly just to be met with what looked like Artemis and a smirking girl."What's up with you guys"***Chroin made everybody move to the dining pavilion. Patroclus and Achilles sat at the same table as last time, the demi-gods spread out.Apollo was laying on his back, spreading across one of the tables, talking to Will and Nico.Apparently, the girl who looked like Artemis was actually her and Patroclus' eyes were still wide. He still could not believe the gods now. They used to be so ruthless, so uncaring. But here they were talking and lounging around. Achilles had leaned over, his head resting on Patroclus's shoulder. Patroclus could tell he was sick of all of this, and he was too. They both just wanted to be together again, in the quiet fields once again.After a while of talking amongst themselves, Patroclus had learned they wouldn't be able to start anything until tomorrow. He had also learned Apollo will be going with them. After the conversations ended, they walked back to the big house where they continued to stay.***I am so sorry for how short, and quite frankly bad, this chapter is. I split it up into 2 parts because I couldn't bring myself to write the rest, but I thought you guys deserved something. I've been struggling with my mental health a lot lately. And I can't help feel I've disappointed so many people. I don't really want to try anymore, and writing is my only joy. So I hope you guys like it. I will get my next chapter up as soon as I find the motivation to write it. I'm so sorry.Trust me though, it will be up because writing this because seeing people who enjoy it always makes me smile. So, thank you to all who's gave me a chance. I hope not to disappoint you too.Have a good day :)

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