chapter 4

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The door to their room creaked open, and Patroclus questioned whether any of it was real. Since he had lived during the time of gods and goddesses, who is to say this wasn't a joke? As to the arrival of the “new” Apollo, he was also at odds with it. It had not occurred to him that anything would change about the god. Time has passed, indeed, but could someone change that much? He had a hard time believing it. 
 Before he encountered Apollo on the field, he had heard stories from the men. They talked of his arrogance, not bothering to whisper for the fact that he was a god did not matter to them anymore. Death seemed like a gift nearing the 9th year of the war. When the hope was lost, the men's souls started to dwindle down into fine dust.
Patroclus looked towards Achilles who was sitting on the edge of the 
bed and un-doing his shoes.

Patroclus wondered what he was thinking, as he slowly walked toward Achilles.  
He sat on the bed next to him, his head falling on Achilles’s shoulder gently. 
“Hey,” Patroclus said softly, “How are you?”
Achilles laughed, grabbing Patroclus and pulling him down in a lying position. Now they laid in the bed, holding each other.
"I'm fine, how about you, my love?"
A smile appeared on Patroclus' face. "It may seem confusing, but we will figure it out together," he said with confidence, looking up at Achilles' green eyes.
Patroclus hugged him, his head resting against his chest. Achilles embraced him, planting a kiss on his forehead.
There is no need to worry. Achilles whispered, "Everything will be alright".  As his eyes drifted shut, Patroclus smiled. 


Both Achilles and Patroclus sat at one of the picnic tables as Artemis walked up. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she wore a silver jacket. Her steps slowed as she approached them. 
Patroclus sat still, still surprised to see a god so out in the open. Artemis had never been one of the gods he knew well. He did remember the beginning of the Trojan war when Iphigenia was sacrificed to appease her. The thought made Patroclus shudder, leaning into Achilles' open arms.
“Hello boys” she greeted. “I would like to speak with Patroclus, now. Please.”
Achilles sat still, eyeing the goddess. “Okay, speak,” he said.
Artemis narrowed her eyes and scoffed “Preferably Alone.”
Achilles did not move until Patroclus got up.
“It is fine Achilles, I must speak with the goddess”
Achilles did not look pleased and Artemis just smiled at him. Achilles stood, “Call me if you need me, okay?”
Patroclus smiled “I will” 
Achilles kissed his forehead.
“Let us walk” was all Artemis said.


As they walked Patroclus smiled at the flowers lining the path.  He breathed in the fresh air, happy to be enjoying the outside.
“You must be tired,” Artemis said, her steps slowing.
Patroclus shrugged “I am. I am so tired. But I will do what I must to get home, as will Achilles”
Artemis nodded. “Achilles is something else.”
“He's just been so… so secluded for so long - we both have. We sit together every day, not being bothered by anyone. It's just different to be here. Surrounded by all these people. I’m sure he doesn't mean to come off as rude.”
Artemis laughed “Oh Patroclus, I was not offended by Achilles. You both have been through so much. And I have done things that he has the right to be mad about. It's just… the gods… they; or some have changed. They have become the better versions themselves. Or at least I and Apollo are trying.” Artemis paused looking at the sky, then at Patroclus. “I know what I have done in the past and for that, I can never be forgiven. But it's not too late to try and be better. It's never too late.”
Patroclus looked at the maiden goddess, a smile on his face “I am glad you came to the realization. It's important to understand that. For I, too, have not been the best before in the past. But there is always time to do better, to be better. I’m glad we can both see that. I can only hope everyone else will”
Artemis looked towards the morning sky “We can only hope.”
After a few more minutes of walking, Patroclus stopped in the middle of the woods. Realizing they were just outside the camp border.
Artemis looked around “I guess we have gone too far, we should get going before we attract any unwanted guests,” she said, pulling a sliver and brown bow from thin air. 
Patroclus turned towards her “Why did you need to see me anyway?” 
Artemis sighed “I am not a very big fan of the male population, as it's well known. And in some ways, even you Patroclus does not exceed that hatred yet.” she paused “but you have a certain kindness in your heart… a will to help people. A will to do what is right.”
She sighed and looked Patroclus straight in the eyes “I know I have a dislike for many men, but I give chances. As I will give one to you. I hope one day we can be friends and I’m not asking you to forget the past, I’m asking you to give me a chance.”
Patroclus smiled, “Thank you” he whispered.
He was quite surprised at this. Artemis was known for hating men. But Patroclus knew what she met. Everyone deserves a chance, no matter what.
“We should be heading back now” was all Artemis said.
Patroclus turned and started walking towards the border. He stopped short when he heard a familiar sound. It was so familiar, he just couldn't quite place it. Like it was from a memory that was locked deep down. 
He turned around, facing the sound. 
He didn't hear much once he did. He felt like a weight was lying on his chest. A sticky dark red substance coated his hand and he heard the faint screams of Artemis. His ears hummed and he cried out.
He remembered. All over again. The look on Hector's face as he thrust his spear into his stomach. He remembered Apollo pointing, he remembered the pain, oh the pain before the world went black.
But he didn't want the world to go black again. He needed Achilles. He couldn't leave him. 
Tears streamed down his face, his arms spread out on the hot dirt. 
“Please” he cried, blood dripping out of this month. “My Achilles.”
More tears came at the thought of leaving Achilles alone. 
It had all happened so fast, so quickly. He had no idea who did it but somebody did. And now he was bleeding out on the ground, his eyes growing heavy, the thought of Achilles keeping them open. It was all happing again.
Just before his vision faded and the pain settled in he saw a faint head of blond hair and bright green eyes. 
“Achilles?” he croaked.
“Yes, my beloved. I am here”  was all Patroclus head beside the faint screams in the background. But nevertheless, he smiled, happy Achilles was here. Achilles cupped his facein his hands.
“My Achilles,” he said as the world around him faded black.

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