chapter 5

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It's weird how memories work. Certain memories you embrace with open arms and some you keep under lock and key. You guard them with your life making sure they aren’t to be seen again. The job is hard, you spend every waking moment reminding yourself not to do this or that in fear it might awaken the past.
For Patroclus, he would be lying if he said it got easier over the many years. He was always careful though. Not to engage in fights or the use of weapons unless he was comfortable. He only ever did it if was friendly, if he knew no harm would come of it. Patroclus was also careful to stay by Achilles’ side too. For the rumors were indeed true Achilles was the greatest warrior, but even heroes have their downfalls; even heroes have memories under lock and key. 
The only memory Patroclus kept down was that of the Trojan War.
After all, it was war, and with war comes death. There were some parts or things of the war that were okay. As when he & Brisis would just lay on the floor and talk to one another.
But now all horrid memories of Hector of Pairs of Achilles death were shoved right back at him. The memories he had tried so hard to keep down became awakened once again.

When he awoke Patroclus found himself next to a lake.  The water was not blue and clear- the water was a deep black color, a strong current ripped through it. 
Patroclus squinted his eyes at it, trying to figure out where he was. It only clicked after a few minutes. He was in the underworld - at the river Styx. 
He had a very good idea of what this river was capable of, but he didn't know why he was here.
He stood up slowly, looking around. Am I dead? Patroclus thought. He looked down at his chest where a spear once pierced him. But much to his surprise the wound was completely healed, gone. He sat there shocked before a gruff voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Patroclus,” the voice said. 
Patroclus whipped around only to be met with a large man. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, he was a tall and buff man with black hair that reached his ears. He held on to a war helmet and he wore greek armor and a white tunic. Despite his appearance, he held a certain calmness in his green eyes. A bloody arrow stuck out his left calf, right above his ankle. Patroclus gasped.
The man nodded. “Although I am not your Achilles”
Patroclus stood there, confusion written on his face. “Then who are you?” he asked. 
“I am a copy of him dare I say” he paused “I hold all his memory and in a way I am him. I am his arrogance, the very thing that got him killed.”
Patroclus stood still, trying to take in the information.
“Then why am I here? 
Achilles looked down “I brought you here”
Patroclus cocked his head. Why would this Achilles do that?  The other Achilles, his Achilles, had told him time and time again how he wished he had never been put into the river Styx. They called it a curse for a reason.
“Why?” was all he said.
Achilles looked back up. “We both know that the curse of the river Styx is not good. No matter how much you think being invincible is a good thing, it is not. It leads to downfall. You are consumed by your own arrogance.” He paused looking Patroclus in his eyes “Patroclus I warn all who come here not to do it, but… I think you should.”
Patroclus reeled back. ‘What? No. I cannot. We both know that this is a curse, not a blessing.” he cried out. 
Achilles’ eyes lost their calmness, they almost looked frantic.
“I am aware of what will happen to you in the future. Patroclus, please it is the only way.”
Patroclus’s eyes widened and he backed up “No I will not” 
“You can go into the little Tiber when all is done. The demigods will take you to new Rome. It will wash it away.”
Patroclus shook his head “Even if I wanted to I am a mere mortal. I would be killed as soon as I entered.”
“You won’t I swear it. I will make sure” Achilles said walking towards him. 
Patroclus backed up.“Why do you care?’
This made Achilles stop walking. “I might be Achilles' arrogance, his mistakes. But I still have the memories that he has. I remember you Patroclus. I remember your death. I know what the future holds and I can tell you that this is the best option. Please.”
Patroclus frowned his eyes growing sad “I am sorry but I cannot do this. I promised him I would never think of it. I promised him back in Elysium that I would never consider taking on this curse. I am sorry.”
The other Achilles just stared, “in the end, it’s your choice.” He paused, his eyes growing sad “I will send you back if that is what you wish. But be warned the future holds hardships.”
Patroclus nodded “ I would like to go back. I am truly sorry”
Achilles shrugged ”Just let it be known that I have tried this time, I have tried. 
Patroclus’s world did not go black this time, but a bright white.

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