i miss you - sungren

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sungchan x renjun

included ships :: sungtaro , nomark , hyuckmin , dojae , taeten

genre : angst , fluff

This will be a long chapter, youre in for a ride !!!!!

2 years ago :

"sungchan!!" renjun shouted waving his hands at his boyfriend. "babes!" sungchan shouted back. the shorter ran into the tallers arms and gave him a big squeeze.

renjun had came back from a trip to his hometown. "i missed you!" sungchan smelled the youngers hair and complimented him.

"i missed you too love~" sungchan replied. "i have some news to tell you, it probably wont be the best but i hope you can understand.." renjun said as he slowly pulled away from the hug. sungchan was worried for the news he was about to hear, but he kept a smile on his face. "dont worry love, i'll try to understand whatever you have to tell me.

renjun nodded and pulled sungchan towards a table, they were currently at the park where they accidentally bumped into eachother.

"so, i'll be going back to china in two weeks. my grandfather is horribly ill, i need to stay with him while my parents are out working to make money so we can help pay for bills, my grandmother cant do much since she isnt as young anymore." renjun kept a smile on his face but it was an obvious sad one.

sungchan grabbed his lovers hands and held them between his. he left a kiss and sighed. "love, i understand. your grandfather is much more important, plus we can always call. the time difference wont be much" sungchan tried his best to reassure the older.

"thank you for understanding, youre seriously the best. gosh what did i do to deserve you" renjun hugged sungchan and kissed his cheeks. "i love you channie" "i love you too junnie"

the two spent the best of the two weeks.

the two were now at the airport, renjun hugged his lover and his friends. "im gonna miss you junnie you only came back like an hour ago!" donghyuck exclaimed with his hands flyin in the air. jaemin laughed and held donghyucks hands. "renjun, we'll miss you a lot" jaemin added, he hugged renjun. renjun hugged back making sure to give everyone a hug. "be safe renjun, dont need you getting ill either, or else sungchan will freak out" mark joked making sungchan hit his head. "of course i will idiot! hes my boyfriend after all.."

"aww you big baby, and of course i'll be careful as possible~"

"we'll miss you so much, make sure to always keep us updated alright?" jeno ruffled the olders hair and renjun nodded. "sir yes sir" the boys all laughed. there was about 40 minutes till the flight so they waited. "MY CHILD!!" the boys looked back to see ten, taeyong, jaehyun and doyoung.

ten threw himself on renjun and he let out a loud sigh. "you're leaving again" ten fake cried, renjun hugged the older. "i'll be back soon, dont worry" renjun flicked tens ear, it was his way of telling ten to stop being so over dramatic.

"i have to see my brother in law off, move bitch" doyoung pushed ten off and hugged renjun. "take care of yourself love, i cant bare to see sungchan devasted if you fall ill too" renjun sighed "i can take good care of myself guys, dont worry so much." renjun gave everyone a reassuring smile.

"okay kiddo, make sure to eat healthy dont forget your meals, just cause we arent there doesnt mean you can just skip meals. got it?" renjun nodded. taeyong hugged the younger after jaehyun finished his words. "im sad you wont be here to see me and ten get married" taeyong frowned but renjun laughed.

"hyung you know i can just get a flight back, then i'll return bbck to china a day after the wedding duh?" taeyong smiled being excited to hear renjun would be able to attend.

"good, now lets give the two lovers some space, i have a feeling sungchan hasnt talked to renjun since they've arrived." doyoung said dragging everyone to the seats by renjuns luggage. "hey babe, you okay? im so sorry to leave like this, but i have to be there for my grandpa..ill always call yoy when i can hm?" renjun gave the boy a kiss and sungchan sighed.

sungchan wrapped his arms around the smallers waist and leaned in giving the boy a long kiss. doyoung on the sideline recording. "i'll miss you so much, take good care love i'll sleep with moomin and think of you~" sungchan pinched the smallers cheeks. "youre adorable junnie, i wish i brought chun i bet he would miss you too"

"oh right, always send me photos of chun, our poor baby, his mommy wont be there for him" renjun pouted missing his and sungchans puppy. sungchan laughed and ruffled the olders hair. "are you gonna miss him more than me?" "of course! just kidding, ill miss you both the same maybe you a little more~"

the two hugged for the last time before renjuns flight was announced to start boarding. "one last group hug..before we see renjun again in 2 years?" donghyuck said sobbing. everyone nodded and hugged.

sungchan broke in tears as well did ten and doyoung. the four sobbed and then suddenly renjun started crying along. "dont make me cry too!" renjun whine, it was cute that it made everyone laugh. "bye ill miss you all!" renjun waved and went into the plane.


later that day :

"this is miyeon lee , youre news reporter. a plane to jilin city in china is now in near crashing into the water. the plane malfunctioned, it seems something cause the plane to stop working properly. the plane will be crashing in a few minutes. passing it on to kim juyeon."

the group of boys stared at the screen. their eyes all watered. the boys looked at sungchan, he stared at the screen, the tears flowed down his face. his phone started dinging so he opened it quickly, he had recieved 5 message recordings, pictures and messages. his phone was now ringing, a call from renjun.


"sungchan hi, im so sorry love i couldnt keep my promise, i promised to take care and stay healthy but i couldnt, it was fate im so sorry.." renjun sobbed, sungchan sobbed everyone sobbed.

"baby dont say sorry, please stay on the line with me..you can do this please survive..please.." sungchan sobbed. he put the phone on speaker and renjun started gasping, he was panicking and crying. "im so sorry, tell everyone im sorry, im sorry i cant come to ten and taeyong hyungs wedding, im sorry i wont be able to be there for your nect birthday, im sorry i cant sray alive no longer.." everyone broke down. haechan screamed and snatched the phone. "HUANG RENJUN, PLEADE YOU CAN DO THIS PLEASE, STAY ALIVE. DEAR LORDS SAVE RENJUN PLEASE, I CANT LSOE HIM. HES MY ONLY FAMILY LEFT PLEASE" donghyuck sobbed, jaemin held the boy and consoled him.

"im so sorry hyuckie, i love you so so so much.." the line cut off. sungchan broke, he shouted his cries, his brother hugging him. everyone eother crying or consoling eachother.

sungchan wiped his tears as he played the voice recordings.

"im sorry sungchan, somethings wrong with the plane i dont know whats happening its so hard to breathe"

"baby i dont know if ill be here any longer"

"im so sorry"

"ill try my best to stay alive, ill try i really will"

"sungchan im so scared"

he sobbed so much more than before. he opened the videos

"Sungchan look! im on the plane! thank ten hyung for getting me first class, its really amazing!"

second video :

"i miss you and chun already hnggg"

and then the pictures of him taking pictures on the plane.


i cried writing this- anyways ill post part two tommorow :) ! or later depending on when i sleep!

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