Online Schooling

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(Not my Original Au) (They are in college :) )

Jonathan and Sherwin were in their own online classes. They are in college now and they are really comfortable with each other.

"Okay guys class has ended!"

As Sherwin heard that he said goodbye to his teacher and then finally closed down his laptop.

Sherwins' Pov:

Jon had extra classes on Friday's so I didn't want to bother him but today I was feeling really lonely so I went near him.

He never puts on his camera, mostly because when he put it on, on the first day of school all the girls were private messaging him for his number, and that was only with the first 11 girls, so he took it off before the other 14 could of reach ( There are 25 girls in his class and 23 boys)

"Love," Sher quietly said in a gentle tone.

Jon looked over to where Sher was standing and gave him a questioning look.

"...I'm feeling lonely, so I just wanted to come near you." I quietly remarked as I kicked my feet on the ground timidly

Jon flashed a big smile towards Sher, signalling for him to come closer.

Once Sher got close enough, Jon pulled him into his lap, hugging him tightly, giving Sherwin no time to react.

They stayed there for a little while, just listening to the teacher talk, until-

"Okay class can someone please demonstrate a cartwheel, then as you go back do a Aerial for us, you can get someone to help you, or do it with you." Jon's teacher asked politely.

The class stayed silent. No one even dared to speak or volunteer.

"No volunteers, okay I'll pick one, Jonathon, how about you."

Jon choked a bit. 

He then put on his mic to answer his teacher.

"Miss, I-I don't know how to do that." Jon hesitantly said

" Come on, your on the gymnastics team, I'm sure you can, just try"

" Uhm- Uhm sure let me just get things ready." Jon said as he quickly muted his mic

He then looked at me with a pleading eye.

"Do it with me?"

... I couldn't resist it and just gave in right away, saying  yes.

2 minutes later, Jonathan's camera and mic were now on, and I still was not in the frame of the video"

"Miss I'm having someone do it with me" Jon said excitedly.

His teacher nodded as I shyly walked into frame

I could see children laughing at me, when I came on because their cameras were on.

One girl in particular said-

" Please, he looks so tiny and fragile, I think he could barely stand," she said while rolling her eyes.

A whole group of girls started laughing.

I ignored her comment and just walked into position.

The teacher seemed to recognise me and Jon because she had then responded to the girl saying

" Y'all don't know who those people are?"

(Jon has an undercover last name, so no teacher could recognize him, and the teacher didn't see him when his camera was on, but Jon was the president's son, and I was a professional gymnast/ figure skater. And it was no secret to the public either that me and Jon were dating, we didn't keep it secret. But all these children seem to somehow be living under a rock)

As me and Jon quickly synced together, doing the 'tricks' the teacher wanted us to perform, perfectly/flawlessly, the class (except the teacher) faces were priceless, when they saw Jon pick me up and kiss me, saying-

"Great Job babe"

"That's how Jon's whole class found out we were dating, and who we were. The girls were embarrassed though, hm they get what they put in I guess" I said recalling the day to my parents 

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