05 ; stefanos tsitsipas

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disclaimer: im literally a teenager i have no idea how rational adults argue LMAO so this is prbly bad and cringey errr anyways enjoy....

i put down the wine glass as our laughter had gone down and the silence crept into the air. with a serious expression plastered on my face, i began, "stef, i don't know how to put this because i know it's gonna make you upset, but i think it should be said sooner than later. i'm not coming tomorrow. to the match, i mean"

"what do you mean you're not coming to the match?" he responded, his mood quickly altering as he furrowed his eyebrows.

it was pitch-black outside, the stars brightly shining, as our supposedly romantic date had taken quite the backflip. we were dining at a fancy parisian restaurant, which was cliche, to be honest, but stef wanted to celebrate for his huge match tomorrow. the guilt of keeping my mouth shut was eating me alive. honestly, i was planning to say it during 3 different occasions, but he looked like he was in paradise for the whole day. wiping that smile of his face seems so criminal.

he had achieved something that he has strived for since the day he first held a racket. so we dressed up and walked from our hotel, fingers intertwined like some sickening love birds.

"i'm so sorry," i attempted to explain myself apologetically, "but this runway show can be the most important moment in my career. tons of celebrities and designers are attending and one of the most sought-after designers asked me if i could wear some of his new pieces. in return, he could introduce me to some of his good friends in the industry."

"are you kidding me y/n?" he exclaimed in disbelief, "i have worked my whole life for this moment and i thought you know, maybe my girlfriend should be there to support me. everyone's gonna be there but instead, you're choosing to strut in some fancy outfit in front of rich people. what am i supposed to tell people when they ask me where you are? it sounds stupid."

i was taken aback by this. his words sounded so out of character. he was usually the calm, rational, and considerate guy - we were the picture-perfect couple. we would argue once in a blue moon, usually about something minor. but this... this was impulsive.

"i don't care if everyone is going! stef, you don't understand how important this is. i have worked my whole life for this moment too so you have to get where i'm coming from here. c'mon, you're sounding really selfish right now." i argued, "it hurts that you don't even care."

"do you hear yourself?" he chuckled sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "i thought the point of a relationship is to drop everything and anything for your significant other. i can't be the selfish one here, we both know that your modeling career isn't gonna magically explode just because this guy wants to introduce you to his rich friends."

"you're basically saying my career is mediocre" i retorted, feeling insulted. i'm starting to get infuriated with him - what the actual fuck is he saying?

"let's be realistic here, y/n, there's a lot of competit-"

as if i would let him finish that. in the heat of the moment, i ignored the fact that i felt water trickle down my cheek.

"shut the fuck up. if i hear one more word come out of your goddamn mouth," i let out a loud sigh, "god, i will never look at you the same after this. do you hear yourself? you sound like a spoiled brat who gets upset every time something doesn't go your way. i have every right to be angry at you right now, you're throwing the years of this relationship right out of the window."

i got up in the spur of the moment, grabbing my bag and giving him one last look.

"don't talk to me until you realize how selfish you sound."

i felt my voice trembling as my voice grew louder and i stood up, then stormed out. 

what in the world just happened.

˚ · .

the show was a success! my lips pull into a triumphant smile as i go through all my instagram notifications and read unanswered messages. i met so many wonderful and influential people who seemed genuinely interested in my work and career - it was nerve-wracking but i made it out in one piece. 

it was a relaxing drive through the roads of paris. i opened the window and admired the scenery and beautiful sky. inevitably, as the taxi approached my hotel, my thoughts immediately drifted to stef. quickly, i looked him up on google to check the scoreline of his match. 

'djokovic outlasts tsitsipas in the french open final'

'tsitsipas loses grip on the trophy as he loses the match after being 2 sets to love up'

i scrolled further, my lips parted in utter shock, to see the gut-wrenching post-match photos and videos. even though i firmly agree with what i told him last night, i can't help but feel for him. this was his dream.

 i knocked out in our hotel room soon after getting back home from the restaurant. although, i came back looking and feeling like a wreck - mascara residue on my cheeks, hair in my face, and eyes red and puffy. he definitely came back to the room before i was awake - probably to get his necessities to get ready for the match and all of that jazz. weirdly, he left a turkey wrap, mango slices, and orange juice on my bedside table. maybe he felt guilty? i don't know honestly.

"ma'am, we've arrived." the taxi driver announced, startling me out of my thoughts. i collected my stuff and handing him some euro bills then stepped out. the chilly wind made me shiver a bit, making me regret not bringing a sweater beforehand. 

in the blink of an eye, there i stood - right in front of our hotel room. y/n, just go for it, don't overthink it. 

i placed my hand on the doorknob, slowly opening the door and looking inside. the tv was on and stef lied on the bed, attentively watching until he heard me come in. as he turned his head towards me, i examined his expression. dark circles trailed his undereye, his hair looked messier than ever, and his posture was sluggish. stef's facial expression was indescribable. as soon as i stood in his line of sight, his eyes looked as fragile as glass as his lips parted.

my legs moved almost automatically is soon as i saw tears escaping his tired eyes. i slipped myself under the bed covers and i pulled him into my arms as he let out quiet sobs in the crook of my neck. i ran my hand through his back soothingly and whispered, "shh... it's oka-"

"it's not, y/n," he spoke pleadingly, his body almost melted onto mine, "first, i talk to you like that. i was being such an asshole! you don't deserve that and i wasn't being considerate to the fact that you had aspirations just like mine - you were right, it was selfish. i just had a lot of pent-up stress but nonetheless, i don't wanna make excuses. i'll be better, i promise, and i'm sure as hell that i'll never talk to you like that ever again. i'm sorry, super super sorry."

my heart melted right there and then. stefanos always had a way with words. his sentences were intoxicatingly irresistible. in addition, the way pulled away from me to give me a sincere look, made my lips tug into a smile. 

"yeah, you were a bit of an asshole," i admitted, "but we all have those days, so don't beat yourself up. to be honest, i'm glad this happened, because having a perfect relationship makes us more vulnerable. we learn from our mistakes and it helps us grow stronger, not only personally, but together.

now it was his turn as he pulled me into his arms. i rested my head on his chest and he slithered his arms around my waist. he softly chuckled, "we're a mess right now, huh?"

"a hot mess with a big dump truck ass." i corrected, making him laugh a bit. cute.

"true, very true," stef replied to my remark, as he pulled me closer and kissed my forehead, "that's why i love you, y/n"


"WAIT A SECOND BITCH YOU LOVE ME BECAUSE I HAVE A FAT ASS-" y/n exclaimed, a couple of seconds after processing what he had said. stef laughed and held up his hands defensively, "i didn't wanna lie!"

a/n: stef only dates people with fat asses. taste!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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