Chapter 8- Vision

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Back at the Avengers Tower, Bruce and Tony were working in the lab when Steve, Pietro, Wanda and I show up

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Back at the Avengers Tower, Bruce and Tony were working in the lab when Steve, Pietro, Wanda and I show up. "I'm gonna say this once." Steve says.

"How about nonce?" Tony retorts.

Will gets up from his seat when he sees the twins. "What are they doing here?"

"It's okay, Will. They're not going to hurt us." I say.

"I really doubt that." Bruce comments.

"Shut it down!" Steve demands.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Tony says.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve says.

"And you do?" Bruce asked, he points to Wanda. "She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry." Wanda says, stepping around Steve.

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and not change a shade." Bruce threatens.

Steve steps forward. "Banner, after everything that's happened..."

Tony cuts Steve off. "It's nothing compared to what's coming!" He snaps.

"This isn't a game!" Steve says. Suddenly, Pietro uses his speed to unplug the Cradle.

"No, no. Go on." He says in a mocking tone. "You were saying?"

We hear the sound of a gunshot. Clint shoots the glass Pietro was standing on and he falls through. "Pietro!" Wanda shouts. I look at the computer when it starts beeping and Tony walks up to it.

"I'm rerouting the upload." He says. Will and I duck when Steve throws his shield, causing all of the computers in the room to spark on impact. Tony blasts Steve away with his Iron Man hand and suits up. Wanda's eyes begin to glow red when Bruce grabs her from behind. "Go ahead, piss me off." He says.

As the fighting continues, Will runs and takes cover behind a turned over table. I fire a blast at Tony which causes him to fire back at me in return, knocking me backwards. Steve attacks Tony and kicks him into a glass screen. Bruce lets go of Wanda after she zaps him in the stomach. Thor enters the room, sliding past me and leaps onto the Cradle. He summons lightning to his hammer and before he could hit the bot that was inside, Bruce shouts. "Wait!"

Ignoring him, Thor sends the lighting into the Cradle, causing the computers systems to overload. He pulls his hammer back and we all look in shock when the Cradle explodes. Thor is flung backwards as the bot rises from the Cradle. He had red skin and in the center of his forehead was a yellow gem. He glances at us and launches himself at Thor, who throws him at a window, but catches himself right before he hits it. I jump down, ready to attack Vision as my hands glow blue, but Thor held his hand out to stop me.

Thor puts down his hammer as we all gathered in the living room. Vision hovers down beside Thor and a grey suit magically appears on his red skin. "I'm sorry. That was...odd." Vision turns to Thor. "Thank you." He generates a gold cape.

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