Chapter 9- Unite

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"Cap, you got incoming

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"Cap, you got incoming." I hear Tony say over the comms.

"Incoming already came in." Steve says. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off."

Will and I run out to the bridge and fight alongside Steve. After hearing a woman scream, Steve runs over to a red convertible that was about to fall off the bridge and holds onto the rear bumper. It comes off and the car falls off the bridge. Thor flies towards the woman and grabbing her hand, he throws her back to Steve. Will and I run over to the edge and help both the woman and Steve up.

Feeling a metal hand on my shoulder, I was thrown backwards by one of Ultron's Legionnaires and it grabs me by the throat. "You can't save them all." Struggling to get the robot off me, Steve throws his shield into its chest. "You'll never..." Steve uses the magnet on his arm to draw the shield back to him and throws the robot off the bridge.

"Never what? You didn't finish!" Steve shouts as the robot falls to the ground. Thor jumps on top of a car and after hopping off, he helps me up.

"What, were you napping?" I teased. The four of us continue to fight more robots. I was happy to see Natasha when I saw her fighting off the Legionnaires with her electric batons. Steve kicks up his shield and Thor uses his hammer to rip through multiple Iron Legion bots, taking them out one by one. I let out a sharp cry of pain when I felt a zap shoot into my side and was knocked to the ground. An Iron Legion was coming towards me but Thor grabs it from behind and flying into the air, he throws it into a gas tank which explodes, taking out more Legionnaires.

"Thor." Ultron says, flying towards Thor. "You're bothering me." He grabs Thor and carries him through the city.

"Thor!" I shout. I wince as I get up and held onto my side. Will runs over to me and sees the blood seeping through my shirt.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" He asks, gently placing his hand on my side.

"I'm fine. Ultron just took Thor. We need to go after them!" I say. We run in the direction Ultron flew off to.
We followed them into the ruins of an old church building. We quietly sneak into the building and noticed that Thor had dropped his hammer as Ultron had the upper hand. In the center of the church, Will and I could see the vibranium machine that was making the city float.

"You think you're saving anyone?" Ultron asked as he punches Thor in the face. He grabs him by the throat. "I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that."

Thor noticed us by the entrance. "I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast...I am running out of things to say. Are you ready?"

Ultron's eyes widen and Vision sends him flying out of the church with just one swing of Thor's hammer. Will and I both had wide smiles on our faces as we watched Vision take out Ultron with Thor's hammer. We walk over to them.

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