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when i woke up i turned off my alarm in a grumpy manner. i scratched my head and yawned.
i fucking hate waking up early.
he's gonna be pumped to go to a new school.
i should make sure he's up.

i left my room and without thinking busted into his in a fit of excitement.
he sat up sleepy eyed, shirtless in his bed with the cover pulled over his legs and his hair all over his head.

it was the cutest thing ever.
"sorry". i apologized.
"turn light". he yawned pointing to the switch.
i flipped it and he shut his eyes tightly.
"school"? he asked.

"yeah". i said back quickly.
it took him a second but he opened his eyes and jumped out of bed.
my eyes went wide when i saw his shirtless physique in his black shorts.

god i want to jump on top of him so bad.
he stretched his arms.
"match"? he asked same as yesterday.
i nodded and smiled.

he walked to his dresser where he already had the outfit he wanted to wear picked out.

i looked at what he wanted to wear and mentally picked out what outfit i had bought to match

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i looked at what he wanted to wear and mentally picked out what outfit i had bought to match.
"i match with you so i don't feel weird". he smiled.

"everyone's gonna know you're new. and ask you questions". i replied.
"will they... like me"? he asked.
i nodded "i think".

i left his room to get dressed myself.
And when we met back in the living room i could have sworn i saw blush on his face when he saw my matching fit.

"ready"? i asked as we parked in the student parking lot. "big school". he said looking over it.
"yeahhh". i said back.
not sure how to comfort him- this shit looks scary to ME.

i couldn't stop looking at how our fits matched.
did i set the both of us up?
i know how this school is, they will call ANYTHING ugly and weird.

but.. no it's fine we look good.

we got out the car and started walking to the front.
students were already walking in themselves and kageyama was staring at everyone.
and- they certainly stared back.

"don't bump into people okay"? i asked.
he looked at me and his eyes seemed so lost and confused.
"i try". he said looking forward.

we walked through the crowded entrance and he seemed almost in shock at how our school colors of red white and grey plastered the walls and the tile floors.

so many giant windows to let light in, and the hoards of students loudly talking, laughing, and blocking the paths.

"we need to go get your shedule". i said walking in front of him so that we could find the front office.

he was trying not to bump into anyone.
people backing up with their backs turned, people forming circles of friends and people doing whatever they wanted like they owned all the space.
he was having trouble slipping by.

"come on". i smiled.
i grabbed his hand and he flinched a little.
then he grabbed mine back which made my 😺 throb.

i led him through the mass of students until we finally reached the attendance office.
pushing open the door, and hearing as the sound outside faded away to nothing due to the soundproof walls.

"hello". the front office lady blandly said to kageyama who had gone in front of me.
"hello". he said back cheerful.
she stared and blinked at him slowly.

"can i help you"? she asked.
"class". he said back.

"he's a foreign exchange student and i need his shedule". i intercepted.
"okay- well are you hosting him"? she asked.
i nodded in response.
"mkay- so he will be attending all of your classes so that you can escort and assist him, his grades really don't matter. as long as he barely passes he will gain all credits for the foreign exchange course".

i nodded again.
"when you say i'm supposed to assist him, does that mean that my teachers know of accommodations i need to be seated with him in order to help"? i asked.

"sweetie you're gonna have to talk to them about that. i stay in this chair all day i don't know anything about that". she was sweet but she wasn't a sweet talker.
"oh- okay thank you". i said as i led kageyama back out into the main area.

the bell had rang so all the students were making their way to class.
"you will be in all my classes"! i said excitedly.
"ah- we match a lot". he smiled.

i nodded.

1st period: history

when we entered the room mr. boswell immediately noticed kageyama and summoned us to the front.
"i heard about you". he smiled clasping his hands together. ugh he's so creepy sometimes.

kageyama stood expressionless.
"there's an empty seat next to y/n, but why don't you stay up here and introduce yourself".
mr boswell said.
he's annoying as hell.

i nodded at kageyama and went to take my seat as more students filed in and whispered about the boy standing at the front of the class.

"look we have a new student".
"he's hot what the hell"
"is he a model"?
"his outfit is cool too".
"look... he's matching with that girl".
the comments were pouring in.
as everyone took their seats, mr boswell took a peak at the roster.
"okay guys, this is tobio". he announced.
kageyamas face flushed bright red.
hm- right.

the teacher doesn't know that he's calling kageyama by his first name, which is very personal.
"please just call me kageyama". he announced back.

i was a little taken by surprise.
first he actually spoke out which i didn't expect.
and second, his english sounded really natural.

"would you like to share a little bit about yourself"? the teacher inquired.
he nodded.
"i am kageyama from japan, i have come here on a foreign exchange trip, i hope everyone gets to know me and i would like to have a fun semester. my host is sitting back there". he smiled as he pointed to me.

the entire class turned to see me and my heart started beating fast so i just awkwardly waved.

they all turned back to face him.

"anyways- i like sports and i like to hang out so hit my line if you need me".
he preceded to turn around- grab the expo marker and write his phone number on the board.

the teacher was just staring looking confused.
it took a second.
but countless of the girls in the class took their phones out and ADDED HIM TO THEIR CONTACTS.
i even saw a few boys do it.
i put it in my phone just in case i needed it too.
but STILL- what a first impression that was.

the first day and he already had about 25 people planning to text him.

damn. ALSO, he sounds so natural what the hell? could he talk like this the whole time?

the class gave their small applause for him and he came to sit next to me.
i could hear even more girls talking about him now. the sexy transfer student. it made me jealous.

"how did you speak so well"? i asked as he sat down.
"i practiced all night". he smiled with red in his face, holding a thumbs up to me.


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