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when we got in the car, kageyama took the back seat without hesitation.
either he felt awkward, or he didn't trust my driving.

"do you drive"? i asked looking at him through the rear view mirror.
"he drives a black A-class mercedes".
kai responded for him.

me and kageyama both turned wide eyed towards him. "whaaat i told you i was obsessed with the players didn't i"?
geez kai don't scare him.

i backed out my drive-way as the radio came on.

"so what store do you wanna shop at"?
i asked. "what store". kageyama repeated back.
"no- what store do YOU want to shop"? i asked again. he put his hand to his face.
[do you want to go to the mall]
kai asked him.
kageyama nodded.

"he wants to go to the mall".
"alright it's a bit far so"- i said back.

kai grinned.
"well i brought my vape". he said.
"don't- not with him in the car". i replied.
"relaaaax, i'm sure he's smoked a little weed before".

"isn't that right"? he asked turning around.
"no cigarettes". kageyama said waving his hands.
"メールはさな". kai said.

kageyama leaned back in his seat more and nodded his head with the chillest look on his face.
it was... so hot.

"you smoke"? i asked with a smirk, looking through the rear view again.
shit. if i knew my mom was planning this i would have made a hotter first impression on him.
maybe opened the door toplessss.

i sped up and revved my engine.
"loud"! kageyama laughed.
"you like it"? i asked back with a grin.
"i like it". he said back with his own grin spread across his face.
i drove a custom black Laferrari with backseats installed so it was quite loud.

kai took a hit of the pen and held it in for a second.
then he exhaled and i watched as my car fogged up a little.
he passed it to me and i took it.
taking a hit and letting it go quicker than kai since i didn't wanna cough.

"want it"? kai asked grabbing it from me and showing it to kageyama.
he grabbed it and looked at it.
"not too much- i don't want you to cough okay"? i stated.

he took a big hit and then held it in, letting it go and then ghosting it back in his mouth, only to let it go again in ring shapes.

"ah"- i was in shock.
"damnnnn"! kai said grabbing his pen back.
kageyama didn't even cough or anything.
he was like- a pro.

"how did you do that"? i asked in awe at him.
"i smoke with a boy... toru.. you know him"? he asked. kai nearly went crazy in his seat.
he asked. kageyama nodded slightly.
"friends and not friends.. same time". he said shrugging.

"you're frienamies". i smiled.
"this is insane"! kai screamed.
"chilll". i said.

[im in love with that boy, TELL HIM]! kai exclaimed to kageyama, talking about oikawa.

彼はおくの女の子いっしょ見れます. kageyama replied. [he sleeps with many girls]

"HE CAN SLEEP WITH ME"! kai said back quickly.
"huh"? i asked. what are they even talking about.
"shhhh". kai said pushing his finger to my lips as i raised a brow at him.

"he... um... has new girl every night... he-" kageyama was struggling with this one.
"HE FUCKS THEM"!? kai blurted.
"uh- huh he FUCKS them a lot". kageyama repeated.
i hit kais arm.
"don't corrupt him"! i said.
"what? he would say it in japanese". kai argued.

"yes i will curse to you in japanese if you understood". kageyama said making my mouth form a suprised O.

when we pulled up to the mall.
i realized that it was super busy.
i hope kageyama doesn't feel uncomfortable here.
i don't know what his city is like.

"here's the rule, if you see someone cute. tell me". kai said as he got out the car.
"okay. cute boys goes to kai". kageyama said looking at me as i rolled my eyes and got out the car as well.

we all started walking to the entrance.

when we got inside kageyama seemed to be fine with the busy atmosphere.
i'm sure he's been in crowded places before.

"so what type of things do you like"? i asked.
"let's buy shoes". he responded.
"mm okay". i said looking down at his.

he was just wearing vans.
i guess i could take him to the champs and get him some jordan's. he would fit right in at school if he wore those. i feel like it's my duty to make sure he doesn't get bullied.
i mean- i don't get bullied but i'm no where near popular.
all my crushes completely ignore me.
so i don't wanna put him in the same boat.

"let's go". i said to the two as i led them to the champs.

in champs:

"are you going to pick for me"? kageyama asked with starry eyes.
fuuuuu- please don't be so cute.
i can't help but like you.

"no- you choose". i said pointing to the shoe wall.
"great"! he said walking over.
"am i getting new shoes too"? kai asked with a smile, batting his eyes.
"uh- huh". i said back.
"thaaaank youuu". he replied flinging his arms around me for a hug.

a few minutes went by as i stared at my phone waiting for the boys.
i saw two feet approach and stop in front of me.
i looked up to see kageyama smiling.
"look". he said holding up a pair of jordan 1's.

"those are nice"! i said clasping my hands together

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"those are nice"! i said clasping my hands together.
"now you get them". he said back.
"huh? oh i don't need shoes". i replied.
i didn't really plan on buying anything today.
i didn't need new stuff.

"you have these"? he asked.
"no- i have other shoes though". i responded.
he shook his head.
"you wanna match with me"? i asked.
he nodded.
"we match for school"? he asked.

my heart stopped in my chest.
he was so mf fine.


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