Before part 2 : bon voyage

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2nd period- pottery class

I kept zoning out.
Looking at tobio from the corner of my eye.
Amazed that a boy like him liked me.

We had sex twice, but with the way he looked right now, I wanted to make it three times. 
"What's wrong"? He asked me as he continued to sculpt his clay.

"Nothing"- i said returning to my own project.
"Well you're staring at me". He replied.
"It's cause... you look cute". I smiled.

he started to blush, and brought his hand up to hide his face. "don't make me embarrassed". he whined. I smiled and grabbed his free hand under the table. "um y/n"? he began. "yes"? I asked. "when my program is over... maybe you- can sign up for the Japanese exchange, and come to my school the last term". he said.

my eyes widened, I hadn't even thought of doing that. "where would I stay"? I asked him. "what..of course you would stay with me". he replied. "would your parents mind that"? I inquired. "mm- I live alone, my mom has been staying with her new boyfriend for the past 5 months". he laughed. seriously?! so we would be alone again. its like we get every opportunity to fuck.

it was a good idea- a great idea actually.

that was my thought process when I convinced my mom to sign me up for the program.

now I was on a 21 hour flight to Japan, with only the things I could pack in my suitcase.

the first term went quickly, I got average marks on everything, Kageyama was a bit of a distraction when it came to schoolwork. but I knew I had to pass if I wanted to continue my second semester in Japan with him, so I made it.

"where's the bitch with my peanuts? she's been giving me an attitude". kai chimed from my left side, he had begged for the window seat.

oh yeah, kai is coming with me. like the leech he is, he just had to beg his parents to 'let him get back to his culture, and immerse in the knowledge of his people', is what he told them. bullshit. kai just wanted to hang out with hot guys all day. but of course I was happy to have him- I can't go completely alone. kai speaking Japanese will keep me in the know.

Kageyama was asleep on my right, his head kept falling onto my shoulder but he kept picking it back up. he was a rough sleeper for sure.

"I don't understand how it takes over 20 minutes to get peanuts, she has a vendetta against me". kai said. "kai- she probably just forgot". I laughed. "she won't forget my foot down her throat...look at her, with her kitten heels, I CAN TELL SHE HATES THE GAYS". kai began plotting against his new arch nemesis while I took a journal out my carry on bag.

it had short Japanese phrases I could use in case I needed to. although Kageyama assured me that most Japanese people around the area he lived could manage a little English.

I was kinda nervous, this was a big adventure and it seemed like I was going to be the only one who didnt know what was going on most of the time. the screen in front of me had a little route map on it, showing that we were only 3 hours away from our destination. JAPAN!

we had boarded our flight at 8 pm, the last one of the night. but when we got to japan it would be, 12 am when we landed. I had gotten a little sleep on the plane, but between kageyamas sleep demons and kai never sleeping period, I was pretty tired.

good thing is that when we land, kageyamas friend is going to pick us up, we will stay the night in his 'prefecture' (whatever that is), and head to kageyamas in the morning when we wake up.

another good thing is, that we still have 1 week before school actually starts. I can prepare and at least get comfortable with the change of pace. Kageyama said his school is way more difficult, and that I might fail math. but his blonde friend....tsukishima- that I met before, can tutor me.

"do you think that oikawa might actually link with me... I mean he did say a few shots makes up the difference". kai said to me. I started to laugh-

this is gonna be a long term....

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