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Just when Taehyung was about to fall asleep, he was jerked awake by a loud banging on the door. He groaned, getting up to open the door. It was probably his friends. 

"Open the door Taehyung. I ain't getting uglier." Jin said sassily.

"You're not getting prettier either." Jimin said followed by a  dramatic gasp by Jin. Taehyung rolled his eyes and opened the door, already getting pushed away by the two who entered. 

"Okay we bitches are here. Now tell us what happened?" Jimin said while opening a big tub of ice cream, scooping up some and stuffed it into Taehyung's mouth.

"wAI-" Taehyung choked on the ice cream.

"I-I'm cHokiNG-" Jin scoffed and went over to Taehyung to help him.

"For fucks sake, this is just ice cream, not Jungkook's dick. Weak."

This caused Taehyung to choke more, coughing loudly. He looked like he was going to die.

"Oh my god, you're so dramatic." Jin sighed and locked his hands around Taehyung's waist to help him.


"shut the fuck up and spill." Jimin and Jin sat beside Taehyung on the couch, a fancy teacup in their hands. God knows where they got those from. 

"Uh, there's nothing in those teacups. Why are yall holding them-" 

"For dramatic effects. Now, tell us." They sipped some imaginary tea from the empty cup. Taehyung rolled his eyes for the nth time and made himself comfortable between them.

"We 'fake' broke up." Taehyung said nonchalantly. 

"We know. But I'm sure something else happened." Jimin said as his eyes softened. 

"i- uh. We kinda fought." He fiddled with the hem of his shirt. 

"About what?" 


Taehyung and Jin looked at Jimin who screamed out of nowhere.

"Weren't you and Jungkook best friends before?" 

Taehyung nodded his head. "Why did you stop hanging out with him then?" 

Taehyung tensed up at this question. Jimin raised his eyebrows at his actions.

"Come on, tell us." Jin asked, as curious as Jimin. 

"I kinda had a crush on him-" Taehyung whispered, looking everywhere but at his friends.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Jimin shouted purposely.

"I HAD A CRUSH ON HIM OKAY." Taehyung shouted too.

"I LIKE DICKS." Jin shouted out of nowhere.

"We been knew. Anywhore, so you distanced yourself from him because you liked him?" 


"I can't believe you're so fucking dumb. I need better friends." Jimin shakes his head.


"Taehyung, why THE FUCK would you stay away from him because you had a crush on him? this makes no sense." Jin said.

"Uh, because I knew he doesn't like me back? I was afraid that I would get rejected so I distanced myself." He replied.

"And how the fuck do you know he didn't like you back?" 

Taehyung remained silent. That's right. He didn't know if he ACTUALLY didn't like him back or not. He just assumed that he didn't, made himself sad and pushing away Jungkook in the process.

"You are telling him this." Taehyung widened his eyes. 


"You heard that right. If you don't, we will." 

"I'm unfriending y'all." 

"Good luck with that, bitch." Jin said as he went into the kitchen to find if there's anything to hog.

"I WANT TO MARRY HIM HYUNG." Namjoon groaned in annoyance.

Jungkook was now currently clinging on his waist, blabbering about how much he loves Taehyung. Yoongi was on the other side of the couch, already dreading his visit to the younger's house. All he wanted to do was go to Jimin and have a cuddling session with him. 



"IF YOU LIKE HIM SO MUCH WHY DONT YOU GO CONFESS?????"  Namjoon has had enough.

"HE PROBABLY DOESN'T LIKE ME BACK!" Jungkook stated crying again.

"I bet he didn't like me and that's why he distanced himself from me back then." 

Yoongi looked at him in confusion.

"Back then?" 

Jungkook sniffled and continued.

"Yeah. We were best friends back then in high school. I liked him a lot. I was ready to give up my life, my love, my world-"

"Cut the crap and tell us properly, godamn." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"One day, he started to push me away for some reason. Then over the years, we grew distanced and we somehow ended up hating each other. I didn't hate him though. It was just a act."

"HA YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS." Namjoon said to Yoongi who groaned again.


"Oh its nothing. We just bet on how you must probably like Taehyung secretly and all the hating shit was an act."


"Anygays, Jungkook you should tell him this."

"lol no."

"did you just say lol-"

"Jungkook, I don't care if you're scared or anxious, you ARE going to tell him this. Or we will." Namjoon said sternly.

Jungkook gulped. Anxiety bubbling up already.


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