Stuff About The Story

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I'm having trouble writing part 9, as I can't think of any ideas for it, so for this chapter I'm just writing some facts about the kids and maybe the monsters or the story in general.

•Ice found Mono's bag while being chased by a viewer.
•Before May was found by the Protector, she was in the Maw and was friends with the Janitor, until she saw what he actually did and ran away from him, taking a boy with her in the process. The boy got taken by the Collector, and a replacement for him never came back to the kids.
•The Protector's job is to go to places like the Pale City or the Maw and retrieve lost kids for the Collector.
•Dawn actually has a sister, who will be mentioned in later chapters! Her name is Mabel, and she's in the laboratory that I mentioned a while ago, she's also the one who destroyed it, as she had random bouts of rage where she'd either break objects or hurt someone, even going as far as to kill them.
•The reason why Static was running from Meredith is because he was walking away after being scolded by her, but then he accidentally stepped on her dress, and she started chasing him.
•If it isn't obvious enough, Meredith has extreme anger issues. If someone insults her, she'll punch walls and attack the person. Because of this, the Protector doesn't let her go within 8 feet of the kids.
• I was going to add a bunch more characters to the story, but it would've been hard remembering them all, and some of them really didn't go with the story.
• Runaway Kid will be showing up in another chapter, but I don't know if I should make him escape too. Lmk if you want him to escape.
• Rabbit is the oldest one out of the group.
•The Collector doesn't actually kill the kids, he just wants them to add to his collection. He just brings replacements back, as those kids are ones that he'd be fine parting with.
•20 was found in the freezer of the Maw by a boy named 17, who took her out and brought her to the Protector.
•Static's actual name is Benny, he just calls himself that because of the TV on his head.
•Honey and Rabbit are dating, they just don't want to make a big deal out of it.
•Honey has a notebook that she's overly attached to, it got to a point where she won't let anyone look in it or get a page from it.
•There are a lot of other kids I was thinking of putting into the story besides Static, but they're one of my favorites, and I wanted to put them in at least 1 story, so here we are.
•May is terrified of water. When the kids electrocuted Meredith, she hid in the far corner of the room, hiding in a box.
•The reason why Noma was in the room was because her father moved both of them out of the Maw, scared that his daughter would be killed. Unfortunately, he had unfinished business with the Lady's family, so she sent her daughter (posting her in the art book later), Marcy, to kill him. He locked Noma in a room with plenty of food and water to keep her from getting killed, along with her pet nome. Marcy killed the father (she got the same powers as the Lady) and left, unaware about Noma.
• RK and Noma were best friends, but then RK got captured.
• Ash doesn't like grilled or fried stuff after having to eat the Doctor's remains.
•Other than Ice, none of the kids like vegetables.
•Noma's pet nome's name is Glitter.
•I wanted to add one more, so here. The Protector and the Ferryman are cousins. She saw what he did as a child, and wanted to do what he did, thinking that he brought kids to paradise, as that's what he told her so she wouldn't freak out. She then realized what he did, and cut off all contact with him, feeling heartbroken and lied to.
Hope you guys enjoyed these facts! Sorry about part 9 being delayed, I'll try to finish it tomorrow.

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