a new beginning

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TW: These will involve toxic behavior such as blackmailing, gaslighting, manipulation, abuse and the usual cussing and blood. If any of these bother you in any way don't read any further! ♡

"So are you going to the Glatzel's this evening?" Arne asked as he began pedaling faster

"I have to convince my parents, they're not exactly fond of the idea after you know.." i mumbled the last part, Arne's bike slowed down as the smile on his face fell off. His eyes stared forward emotionless as if he was looking into a dark abyss.

"No of course i understand" he faked a smile and let out a chuckle, "race ya" he began pedaling faster

"You cheater" i shouted as i began pedaling faster. The wind was hitting my face gently, it brushed my hair off my shoulder. My legs hurt from pedaling at such a fast pace, Arne glanced at me and gave me a sly smirk before facing forward. I could see my house approaching, i tried to slow down but was unable to stop myself. My legs began wobbling. Arne stopped right in front of my front lawn while i was still coming at an alarming speed.

"Y/N slow down!" he shouted

"IM TRYING" i said in distress. Arne looked at me with wide eyes once he realized i couldn't come to a halt. He tried to get off his bike before i ran into it, but he wasn't fast enough.


"are you ok?" i asked as i tried to hold back my laughter

"I'll be better when you're not elbowing me" i quickly looked down and see my elbow is sitting right on top of his rib cage. I scrambled up onto my feet and dusted off my pants.

"Sorry Arne" the laughter i was holding back came out now

"Yeah yeah you owe me a new shirt" he got up and picked up his bike, he turned to face me "Try to come, i'm sure Debbie would love to see us all together." he said before he walked to his house which was right next to mine. Debbie, Arne and i grew up together in the same neighborhood. We've been inseparable since we were kids, but Arne and i were always a little closer. Probably because our parents are best friends.

I quietly snuck downstairs and past my dad who was knocked out on the couch. Once i safely shut the front door and i sprint down the street to Debbie's house. I knocked on the door huffing.

"Jeez did you run a marathon?" Arne laughed from behind. I turn around instantly and glare at him.

"I thought i was late" i crossed my arms against my chest as i stared at him, he was still laughing, in fact he was laughing even harder now. He bent forward and put his hand on his knee, his hair that is usually perfectly slicked to the side, was now falling in front of his face.

"What's so funny Johnson?" i questioned

"I told you the wrong time just so you'd panic about being late" he said through his laugh. Seeing him laugh was almost a relief. The atmosphere in the neighborhood had been like a funeral home for much longer than i'd like. The door swung open and i felt arms wrapped around my legs.

"Hi David" i said with a smile as i bent down to his level

"hello" he greeted back with a grin

"Miss me ?" i asked as i fixed his hair

"Yeah" he looked down at his feet

"Well i already know you missed me a lottt more than you missed her" Arne said as he picked David up and put him on his shoulders

"Dream on" i said as i shut the door behind me

"Y/N wheres Arne?" debbie asked

"Uhh went to get something from inside i think" i said as i looked around the backyard

"can you go get him, it's been a while" Debbie asked politely

"Sure thing debs" i gave her a warm smile. She greeted me with a hug when i first came in, she told me everything that happened with David and said how she's glad i came. I felt my stomach drop, to think i wasn't going to come because of the dumb rumors i heard at school.

"Arne?" i said as i walked into the kitchen. The walls were still covered in claw marks, the dishes in disarray, objects out of their place. I bent down to pick up a cereal box from the floor when i heard whispering.

"Arne?" i said in a lower tone. I slowly made my way towards the walkway under the stairs. Arne sat in a defensive position mumbling under his breath. I pinched my nose shut when the smell of rotting flesh consumed the air. I sat down next to Arne. I looked at the black rotting hole in the wall that was above our heads. I shuddered as i put my hand on Arne's arm. His skin was cold.

"Arne are you ok?" i asked but got no response

"Arne? Arneeeee hellooo" i waved my hand in front of him

"Did you-u-u see that" he stuttered

"See what Arne?" i asked more concerned now. I positioned myself so i was sitting face to face to Arne. I held his face in my hand, he was sweating profusely, his face pale as if he'd seen a ghost. His eyes wide open, tears grazed the waterline of his eyes. He was burning up.

"Arne you're burning" i said as i put my hand against his forehead. Within a blink of an eye Arne grabbed my wrist firmly and he pulled my hand away. I gasped in pain as i tried to pull my hand away. His eyes blankly stared at me, his jaw was clenched. "Arne you're hurting me" my breathing sped up

"Don't touch me." his voice deeper than usual, almost raspy in a way

"ARNE LET GO OF ME." i yelled loudly which provoked a loud gasp from Arne. He dropped my wrist and i pushed myself away from his reach. I gasped for air as i stared at him. Suddenly color flooded his face and his blank eyes now full of shame and remorse.

"Fuck.." he whispered under his breath, "I'm so sorry y/n i-i dont know what-"

"Quit it Arne" i stated quickly as i got up and slowly backed away from him. He extended his arm halfway before stopping, i could tell he was hurt. His eyes studied me, i held my wrist in pain. My body was in a huddling position. A glimmer of pain flashed in his eyes, he knew he hurt me. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it and walked away, his shoulder hitting the wall as he walked away. He was still in a haze of some sort.

The rest of the night we exchanged glances but i kept my distance. He tried to apologize but i was too scared to step near him. Red marks were seen on my wrist from where he held me. He offered to walk me home and i hesitantly agreed. The walk was silent. The crickets could be heard chirping. Arne was dragging his feet. The ten minute walk felt like an hour.

We finally arrived to my door. Arne and i looked at each other. For a brief moment our eyes did the talking, his said he was deeply sorry and mine said i forgive you but i'm still scared.

"So uh i'll see you tomorrow?" he asked

"I kinda have no choice" i rolled my eyes which got a smile out of him

"Goodnight" he leaned forward and kissed my cheek, "i'm sorry once again" he said before he walked away. I stood there and ran my finger tips across my cheek. We had always been close but this was different, it felt different. But we're only best friends, right...?

"Forgive me.." : Arne Johnson Where stories live. Discover now