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A week had passed and all i did was fully immerse myself into the study of the supernatural. I couldn't fight something that i knew nothing about. I learnt all about possession and how it works, i also learned about the demon that was in Arne. Apparently the demon wasn't here on its own free will, i had learnt that a demon who leaves immediately after committing any violent act was called upon by a satanist.

Basically he was cursed.

I called the Warren's as soon as i came to the realization that curses can be broken, which means Arne can be saved. Lorraine said i should leave the rest of the case to them and focus my time on Arne. He needs all the reassurance he can get. And so i listened.


"Pleaseee tell me the whole Carter story" i pleaded as i sat on the edge of my seat

"Absolutely not." Arne sighed

"I wanna hear Arne just tell me, i think it's cute" i smiled

"You know what else is cute?" he smirked as he leaned forward, but then immediately sat back in his chair and glared at the guard in the corner of the room, "do you mind?" Arne said out of annoyance.

The guard looked at me

"Leave please" i said kinder than Arne hoping the guard will leave, and just as i hoped the guard slowly made his way to the door and stood outside.

"Now what was i saying? Oh yeah, you know what else is cute?" he leaned forward, putting his hands that were still in cuffs on the table

"Hmmm" i said as i stood up from my chair and walked around the table to where Arne sat. I sat on his lap with my face facing his, our lips merely an inch apart. "this is pretty cute i'd say" i smiled

"You have no idea how long i've waited to call you mine" he said under his breath, loud enough for only me to hear. I slightly moved my hips back and forth, he looked at me with a disapproving look. "Stop that. I'm not telling you the carter story" he groaned

"Why not?" i tiled his chin up and lightly pressed my lips against his, "how about now?"

"Fine" he huffed

I smiled, pleased to know i can get what i want from him with minimal effort required. Being his girlfriend was the best thing that's happened in my life. The way he stares into my eyes as if i'm the only person in the room, the way when he holds my hand his moves his thumb back and forth because he knows it's comforts me, how he moves my hair back while i read to him. And most importantly, how he makes me feel like i'm the only girl in existence and he's the only boy in the entire universe. He's mines and i am his only. I just wish it didn't take me this long to notice that me and him are meant to be.

Flashback from Arne's POV:

I threw my backpack down as i walked up to Carter and his friend group. Carter was the schools infamous fuck boy. But this time he's trying to fuck with the wrong girl. My girl. I yanked him back by his shirt and shoved him, causing him to stumble backwards.

"What the fuck is your problem Johnson?" Carter spat

The students formed a circle around us.

"My problem is that you're trying to fuck every damn girl in this school." i spat

"Why's that concern you?" Carter laughed as he looked at the other students. I got closer and held him by the collar of his shirt. He was a solid five inches shorter than me.

"Because one of those girls is MY girl." i hissed

"Who the fuck are you talking about man?" Carter's voice was now quivering, he was intimidated by me

"none of your business, whoever you asked out yesterday go tell her it was a dare. You don't want to go out with her do you?" i said. "Do you." i questioned again since i didn't get a response the first time

"Y-yeah i'll go do that right now just let go of my shirt" he begged

I let go of his shirt and he laughed, not a good decision on his end. The next thing i knew my fist was against his face. I broke the fuckers nose. I didn't feel bad though, i don't like it when people try to take what i want. Or in this case who i want.


"So THATS why i had to ice your knuckles after school" i laughed

"That was just an excuse to spend more time with you" he ran his fingers through my hair for a few seconds before gripping it firmly in his hands to tilt my head back.

"Mmm you're absolutely stunning when you're so vulnerable for me" he smiled and pushed his tongue against his cheek (AN: LMAO IM DO SORRY IM TRYING TO DESCRIBE THAT HOT THING GUYS DO I HOPE U UNDERSTAND.)

"Who said in vulnerable for you?" i asked playfully

He chuckled, "the fact you sat in my lap and thought you could seduce me into telling you the carter story."

"But it worked did it not?" it took everything in me to fight the urge of ripping his shirt off

"I let you THINK it worked babe" he smiled slyly

"You fucker" i sat back up straight as he let go of my hair and wrapped his hand behind the back of my neck

"Times going to run out so shut up and come here" he pulled me closer to him and roughly pressed his lips against mine. Our lips fit like puzzle pieces, perfectly. His soft cold lips against my warm lips. It was hard making out considering he still had handcuffs on but we made it work as best as we could. The kiss deepened causing me to let out a low moan. He pulled back.

"Turning you on?" he placed his hands on my lips, lifted me up so he could man spread then sat me back down on his lap. He put his hands behind his head and grinned pleased of what he just caused.

"Times up." The guard opened the door

"fuck" i mumbled

"Yeah we know" Arne placed his hands on my thighs, "don't miss me too much" he smiled weakly.

I knew it was painful being stuck in jail. It hurt him a lot, more than he led on. He didn't let me see him miserable because he knew how much it would hurt me. But i wasn't completely in the dark. I knew how hard it was for him to keep fighting everyday, yet he continued to. Just for me. me. me...

An idea rushed to my head but not a good one.

I wrote this at like 1 in the morning and i'm tired as hell (i was forced by my friend 🙄), i'm sorry if it sucks or is rushed id reallyyy appreciate if you commented and lmk if it sucked so i can fix it!! Hope you're enjoying it so far

"Forgive me.." : Arne Johnson Where stories live. Discover now