The Vision

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AN: Hey loves i'm sorry the last chapter was so lame and kinda rushed i was tired when i wrote it, and i wanted to kinda rush past the boring part which was the realization of her feelings for him. I love a good slowburn but trust me there's a reason i made them date so fast :) But i swear the next chapters will be better and have a purpose cause the last one was just for you horny fucks <3

Debbie had been helping the Warrens which i found unfair. Why was i being told to stay away from the case? Especially since i care the most about Arne out of them all.


The sun shined down brightly, causing me to sweat. I walked around the house to the backyard where Debbie was. My mood shifted when i saw the Warrens standing right next to Debbie.

"Hey what's happening?" i asked curiously, they stood in front of the basement door studying it

Lorraine and Ed shared a pitiful glance at each other before turning back to face me.

"We believe it's because there's a dark object somewhere in this basement" Lorraine stated

"A dark object? Like those cursed object things?" i said in a slightly hyper manner


"Great let's look for it so i can destroy it" i opened the basement door, dust flew into my face causing me to cough. I waved my hand in front of my face trying to get the dust away from me. Lorraine put her hand on my shoulder causing me to jump.

"Y/N... darling just sit down let us handle it" she said softly

"No. I want to help you, why won't you let me help?" i pushed her hand off my shoulder in anger

"There's things you don't know" Ed said

"Ed.. Don't" Lorraine said to Ed before turning to face me again, she placed her hand gently against my cheek. "I know how strong your love is for him. You've loved him since you were kids but just recently realized that. You two have a love that i haven't seen anyone have besides Ed and I. You would go to the end of the world for each other."

"Is that a good thing?" my vision became blurry from the tears that filled up my eyes

"Good but bad. Don't go through with your idea y/n.. otherwise it'll never end."

"I'm afraid you can't make that decision for me." i sniffled

"I know i can't, i can only guide you sweetheart" she smiled warmly, knowing she'd do the same if she was in my position.


More days passed as Ed and Lorraine tried to figure out who was behind this. I spent most of my time with Arne. I got him a necklace with the letter of my first name hanging on it.

"I got you something" i smiled as i pulled out the silver necklace

"How did you manage to smuggle that in?" he laughed as he held it in his hands, "are you going to put it on or what?" he raised his eyebrow

"Since you asked soo nicely" i said in a proper tone as i put the necklace on him

"That wasn't the only surprise though" i bit my bottom lip in anticipation to his reaction

"Did you smuggle some candy in here too?" he grinned like a little child

"Not quite" i pulled out another silver necklace but this one had the letter A hanging from it. "Now we can have a piece of each other" i said as i clipped the necklace around my neck.

"Has Debbie said anything during her visits? They won't tell me anything." i put my hands on the table and placed my head on top

"I thought they told you everything?" he said alarmed

"Well they haven't, so tell me"

"They know who's behind this. They just need to find her alter and destroy it. That's all i know so far"

"Her?" i couldn't close my mouth, i was in utter shock, "Thank you Arne" i stood up and left the room, forgetting to do my daily handshake with him.

"Y/N" he said from behind

"Yeah?" i said cluelessly, he held his hand out and my lips formed an O. I ran my hand down his forearm (he repeats the same actions) once i made it down to his hand we flipped our hands so our palms were touching. We held hands (waffle style) then turned our hands so we were only holding each other's pinky, we leaned forward and kissed our side of the pinky and quickly walked out.


"You know who did this?!" i said harshly, anger flooded me. My mind went blank all i could think of was this women who ruined our lives, Debbie's, David's, Arne's. It's never ending. I threw my bag which accidentally hit Drew.

"Uh oh" Debbie said from the table. she knew how i am when i get mad, a bat shit crazy bitch. "Y/N let's calm down" Debbie stood up and quickly stood in between me and Lorraine.

"Debbie get the fuck out of my way or i'll move you myself." i said while staring at Lorraine, "Why didn't you tell me." i was feeling too many emotions at once, sadness, fear, rage, jealousy.

"You let Debbie know but not me?" i glanced at the table that had all these different pictures, articles, tapes laid out. I walked over to the table but Ed stood in front of me.

"Ed move, let her see" Lorraine sighed

"Are you sure?" Ed asked, clearly he thought i shouldn't see

"We cant hide it from her forever." Lorraine gave him a nod of approval

I sat down and looked at the table. Picking up articles and skimming through them. But one caught my eye. I picked it up and read it carefully and slowly, making sure to not miss a detail.

"Local priest puts up his newborn for adoption?" i muttered as i kept reading along. I threw the paper down, and looked up to ask them what correlation that has with our case. But then my eyes fell upon the bulletin board that had pictures and strings attaching one to another, it was linking things to people.

"No." i said in a low gasp, tears flooded my eyes as i stood up and walked to the bulletin board. My picture hung there with a red string attached to it and heading downwards, my eyes followed the string to the heading of the exact paper i just read. I turned around, one singular teardrop escaping my eye. "Am i the newborn?" i looked at Lorraine waiting for an answer, but i already knew the answer. I felt my head get heavy, everything became a blur. I Couldn't hear what anyone was saying. Was I the cause of this? 

Suddenly i snap back into reality.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" Drew asked

"It is me isnt it" i questioned once more

Lorraine said nothing, all she gave me was a slight nod. Debbie was looking down at her feet.

"Debs?" i said softly

"I'm sorry y/n" she looked up at me before turned away quickly

I sat onto the ground, Drew helped me sit slowly. I stared at the pictures. I spent the next hour reading every single detail about the case that we had. Everyone didn't agree with that but they sat on the couch nervously as i read everything.

"My sister is the reason this is happening to us?" i sat down and let out a sigh, "find that bitch" i spat as i threw her picture onto the table and existing the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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